chapter 1

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Hi I'm Emily Holland and no Tom is not my husband ewwww, I'm his little sister I'm 24 and I'm a year older than the twins and 2 years younger than Tom.

I ride horses for my work and because i love the feeling of adrenaline and working with a animal who gives me the peace i need in my hectic life as sister from the holland boys and working for my own name at the same time.

I also have another problem  no-one except my family and my very close friends know i have astma, it's not easy to live with having astma. When i was younger it was pretty heavy and i would have a lot of trouble with it and having to go to hospital regularly to have check ups and to see if my astma is getting worse or better.

They said i needed to stop riding because its dangerous but guess what I'm a little bit stubborn and just kept going and here i am riding at world top level and having 3 horses and 2 pony's to keep my horses company.

I have an amazing friendgroup of 3 friends katie Holmes my best friend since kindergarten, Jay Barten my gay bestfriend i know him since my first year of highschool and last but not least Katie's brother Evan i have known him since i knew his little sister and now i am close to him because i spent most of my time at their home and stables because all my horses are here and so are my friends, and not to forget i train alot of hours and give lessons here so i pretty much only sleep at home and then come straight back here to do all the stuff that is needed. and i might have a little crush on Evan but he doesn't know that but Jay and Katie do.

I always kept myself out of the picture then Tom, the twins and Haz became famous because i didn't want to blow my chance to get where i am now, because if i did then most people would think i got so far because i have a famous brother that could buy me in or that could buy me such great horses that the competition would not stand a chance. I also kept myself out of the picture because of my astma that is triggerd by stress and anxiety so i didn't want to put myself in danger so that's why most people think i just share the same name but are not related. It's weird that people have not figured out jet because all the famous people Tom, Haz and the twins hang out with follow me on instagram, facebook and twitter and they know me but keep quiet because they know i don't want publicity on the socials but they don't know the main reason.

so let's begin with how my day went today....

Falling for my best friends brother (Emily Holland)Where stories live. Discover now