chapter 2

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So here is what happend today

i got woken up at 6 in the morning by Paddy jumping on my bed with tessa by his side but she is slobbering my face full of doggy kisses."paddy why are you jumping on my bed at 6 in the freaking morning?""because big sis it's friday so that means that Tom and Haz are coming home and i need to start early in the morning at school today" he says the first part with excitement and the second with a sight because he didn't want to go to school today but  mom made him go because she said education is important. I totally get her because it is, luckily i could make my carreer in something i love very much and have big luck to get this good and have such good horses, i even been in a few movies and series stunting and riding  horses because the actors couldn't."Paddy you know that school is important, you have an amazing carreer before you if you finish it and get a degree in something so you can start earning money, besi- Tess get out of my face" i push Tessa lightly back so she doesn't keep slobbering over my face " what i wanted to say is besides even if you want to follow tom's footsteps if for some reason you can't you can fall back on your degree so you can earn money to pay everything that's needed"."i know you're right Em i just want to have days like you guys have, i mean you don't have to go to school anymore you earn your money with teaching children how to ride horses and not to forget you are a world level equestrian in almost everything". "thanks Padster but i'm not that good i still need to improve a lot to get to the olympics and don't forget about my astma becaus that made my life pretty complicated, even when i was in school my astma got the better of me a few times and that ended me up in hospital several times, luckily your life is less complicated then mine". i give Paddy a big hug before pushing him and Tessa to the side so i can get out of bed and ready for my day at the stables."Paddy would you mind and get out of my room so i can change my pj for my riding gear?, oh and if you don't mind wake up the twins up like you woke me up they will very much like that" i say with a little smirk on my face thinking about the reaction Paddy will get for waking them up early in the morning. "alright Em you got it" with that Paddy and Tessa skip out of my room and go to the twins room to wake them while i change my clothes and walk to the bathroom to do my hair in a low ponytail for the day, while i do my hair i hear Harry and Sam yelling about getting woken up by Tessa slobbering their faces and Paddy jumping on there beds, i stiffle a laugh and walk downstairs to be greeted by mum cooking breakfast for me and paddy because we are the only ones who got an early start today."hey sweety sleep well?" "yea i slept well until Paddy and Tess decided it was time to wake me up only to say tom is coming home today" i say and yawn big after it, Paddy came rushing downstairs with Tessa hot on his heels "hey mum got something for me to take with me because Sam an Harry will not let me peacefully eat because i woke them up" he says with hurry in his voice while looking around for his stuff so he can jolt out of the house and into my car so i can drop him off at school before i go to the stables to start my day there."hey bud that's your problem, you woke them up so deal with the concequenses" my mom says while smiling big at her youngest son who looks like he is going to die in this second."PADDYYYYYYY!!!!!" i hear Harry scream from the top of the stairs while sam is walking down and almost falling of the suddenly scream of his twin, i look to where paddy was standing 2 seconds ago but now he has disappeared from view. i sit down at the table and eat my breakfast before i pack my stuff i need at the stables. "PADDY I DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE BUT GET YOUR BUTT IN MY TRUCK IN 5 SECONDS OR I LEAVE WITHOUT YOU AND YOU HAVE TO ASK SAM OR HARRY FOR A LIFT TO SCHOOL!"i yell through the whole house while walking out the door and kissing mum's cheek before opening the door to my ford F150 heavy duty pickup truck. paddy came runnign out the house and opened the passenger side and hopped in and closed the door after him in just a few seconds time. i climbed in the truck an started it up. i dropped paddy off at school and after that i drive straight to the stables, park my truck and get out and walk straight to the horsebarn where the personal horses are kept so the boarding people don't touch the important and very expensive horses that are mine, katie's, Jay's and Evan's horses plus the horses from Katie and Evan's parents. i greet my 3 horses and 2 pony's before walking in the feedroom and give all the horses in this barn their feed. after they ate their feed i turn out the horses in their meadow where they all play together, only my dressage and jumping horse and the horses from Katie, Jay and Evan are still in the barn by the time i got them all to the meadow that is behind this barn. while i get my dressage horse Mistral out of her stable and to the cross ties to brush and tack her up, when i do that i hear the doors from the barn open and i look behind me to see Evan coming in with a sleepy head but then he jolts awake when he sees the empty stables he starts to stress untill he see's me almost pissing my pants while i stand next to Mistral stroking her black fur "goodmorning to you sherlock i hope you figured out i did the morning round of feeding and putting them in the meadow, i only left our horses so we could train them before it get's busy here because by the time i get's busy they can go to the meadow as well and i could focus on being an instructor for the young ones". while i say this Even walks closer to me and says "thank you for saving my butt if you didn't i would have my mom really mad at me because this is the third time this week i was late to start it up here" " it's alright sherlock you know i always get here early especially today now mister famous and his sidekick are coming home, so no problem for saving your butt this morning and every moring i did for you already"."really i didn't know your brother and Haz were coming home but everything will be alright and when your home you have enough inhalers there if you need them and you know you can stay here for aslong as you want". "thanks Evan" i hug him before i get nudged by mistral so i let Evan go and start to brush her down before taking her up and waiting for Katie who did arive just after me and Evan hugged, and Jay who still was very much asleep but still functioning and tacking his horse up before we all move to the dressage arena where we all warm up the horses and talk before getting to work and work the horses on the level they need to be trained at for the next show.

when i got back with Mistral in the stable there was a suprise waiting for me....

Falling for my best friends brother (Emily Holland)Where stories live. Discover now