chapter 4

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as i'm sitting, waiting for Tom to burst out in angry yelling and a lecture about how much of an idiot i was my family walked in all of the sudden and began asking me what happend and where everyone is. "mom i'm fine Tom just over reacted about me injuring my knee again and having an astma attack while sitting on Thunder" Sam and Harry looked at me with knowing eyes because they where there when it happened before at nationals when i needed to ride and big pressure was on me because if i rode like my life depending on it i would win for my team, and guess what i won but not before i had an astma attack because of the pressure but i'm still standing. "how did you injure your knee again love?" my dad asks me. "you know how i injured it before with jumping Thunder with no stirrup on a course of 1.60m high, well that happened again today and because of the pain i had a astma attack, but hey i'm fine now i just put my brace on and take some pain killers and i'm as good as new to finish this day" i look at everyone to say with my eyes that no way in hell i'm going home and not finish my day here. "alright sweety but don't get hurt even more okay, call us if there is something or if you stay the night here alright?" "alright mom i will, now will everybody move and get on with there day and leave me be and do what you have to do" "alright bye" everyone from my family calls and leaves.

i sit there for a little waiting for the pain killers to start working for putting on my brace and get on with my day. i teach 2 lessons with kids 1 dressage and 1 jumping, after that i get some time to muck out my stables before getting all my horses from the pasture and start grooming nugget. when i am almost done Katie and Evan walk in with there horses before going back to get Jays horses. i'm done with nugget and get nacho from the same stable as nugget and nacho share a stable, i do the same with nacho but when i start evan comes my way and behind him i see katie looking at me before backing away and walk out the barn before i even get the chance to beg her to stay. "hey Em do you need any help with brushing nacho and monty?" he asks while standing next to me petting nacho who is trying to get a horse treat from his pocket. "that would be very nice, could you do nacho his hooves because my knee can't bend well with the brace on" i say not looking at him because if i do i will blush at almost everything he says while looking me in the eye.

"sure, how is your knee doing? if i can do something for you just tell me alright, i will help you if it's needed". i look back at him while blushing lightly "my knee is doing better but it will need some rest to heal properly before i can start riding my horses again, but thanks for the offer to help me Evan that's really sweet of you even though you don't have to and you have better things do do than help me getting around because of my knee" i walk around nacho when he pushes me and makes me lose my balance, as i start falling i prepair myself to fall on the ground but it never came instead Evan just got him arms around my waist in time and i fall against his chest instead. "hey easy there, why don't you sit down and i will finish brushing this little troublemaker?" i look up at him while being in his arms still and this feels so right and safe in his arms but i know i can't do such thing to katie eventhough she wants us together it doesn't feel right to do that without talking to her. 

" alright but i'm brushing monty after i sat down because i can't just leave you to do it that's not fair". "alright but i will help you with him and after that you should go home or stay here and rest up, otherwise i need to take over your lessons and you know that the girls can't handle that because all they do than is giggle and not looking where they are going what results in riding against each other". i giggle at the thought about last time Evan needed to take over my lessons because katie wasn't here and i needed to the hospital for my astma but came back early and saw him struggle to get the little girls to do something other than giggle and walking around." i remember that day, but i promise you i will rest up and get back on my feet tomorrow and teach the lessons myself but maybe i will need a hand because with my knee i can't do heavy lifting and i have a jumping lesson tomorrow" i say with a little smile on my face and look at him while getting out of him arms and sitting down on a hay bale. 

after a while of sitting on the hay bale and making small talk with Evan while he was grooming Nacho i got bored so even against what i had promised Evan i got up and got Monty out of his stall and in the cross ties to groom him as well. i hated the fact i couldn't ride him today because i was planning on some trickriding and after that going through the drill of the clover pattern of the barrel race. Yes i am also a cowgirl besides being an world top equestrian. when it's summer i go over to Amerika where one of my best friends lives on her daddy's ranch, i go there almost every summer to work and to rodeo so i am pretty much known over the whole world in different disciplines. Only katie and Evan know where that ranch is because they once came with me to learn over that way of making a living and a whole other world of competing with horses in rodeo's. i could not stand the fact that today i was going to try a hippodrome and a death drag on Monty and i wanted to beat my barrel racing time so badly because i had a feeling i could be faster now i have the need to feel andrenaline after my whole shitshow from this morning but Evan and Katie would never let me do this knowing i can injure myself more if they let me so i call it a day today and do this tomorrow afternoon when my lessons are done and katie has her lessons with the older kids.

 i could not stand the fact that today i was going to try a hippodrome and a death drag on Monty and i wanted to beat my barrel racing time so badly because i had a feeling i could be faster now i have the need to feel andrenaline after my whole s...

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                                                         ^ this is a hippodrome, without the flag ^

                                                         ^ this is a hippodrome, without the flag ^

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                                                                        ^ this is a death drag^

"hey Evan i am done for today as soon i put Nacho and Monty in their stalls is there anything else i can help you with before i go to my personal hell called home?" Evan looks up at me from brushing Nacho's belly and because he is a shetland pony Evan almost needs to lay on the floor to reach it, pretty funny to watch. "actually could you help with the night round of feeding before you go home because with 2 it goes a lot faster?" "sure, i will put monty back in his stall and will prepair the food for all the horses and as soon as Nacho is in his stall we can start feeding" Evan puts one hand with a thumbs up for me to see he finds that a good plan and continues to brush Nacho. Evan is done brushing and putting the little truble maker in his stall and comes to me to collect the first round of feedingbuckets for the horses. "thanks for helping me Em, i'm lucky with a friend like you who will help me with al my chores and duties here" he said this and gives me a kiss on the cheek and is grab al my feedingbuckets and get out there as soon as possible blusing furiously at the fact that he kissed my cheek. after we get done feeding i say goodbye to the horses and slide the big stable doors close and turn of the light from the barn. i walk with Evan to his parents house and walk inside to say that i'm going home and that i will be here early in the moring to avoid the saturday crazyness from boarding people to kids and adults coming for there lessons in the weekend.

so let's go home to see what sort of hell there will break lose as soon as i am inside.......... 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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