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This chapter was thoroughly edited.


I put on my most comfiest tee and a cotton short. Leaving my bedroom to my bathroom/toilet to wash my face and brush my teeth. I splash water on my face. The cold water makes me jump a little but I get used to it quickly. I splash it again before dialing the knob of the sink.

I walk to the cabin on the wall, opening it and bringing out my tooth brush and paste. I squirt the paste on my brush and begin brushing my teeth. When I'm done, I spit it out and rinse my mouth and the brush, placing the brush and paste back in the cabin. I wash my hand before leaving the bathroom/toilet.

I go back to my bedroom, apply my facial cream and go to my study desk, for when I was in college but I changed it to my work desk. My laptop is always there. I log in to my laptop then go to Skype and send Dani an invite to a video call. I know I can always use face time but I prefer Skype.

My phone blares 'Woman like me' by Little Mix, I only put that song as ringtone for one person. Dani. She begged me to use it for only her.

Why is she not answering me on Skype? Where did I leave my phone?

I wrack my brain trying to remember, checking my room. When I don't find it in my room. I go to my living room to check, the phone is still ringing.

She didn't cut it.

Why hasn't she cut it?

After searching everywhere I find it under one of my mismatched cushion, I must have left it there when Diego dropped me off this morning. I swipe right to answer.

"Took you long enough." She says bitchily, her normal mode.

Ha, I miss her voice, "I'm sorry, I forgot where I placed my phone." I tell her, sitting on the sofa. "Why aren't you answering me on Skype?" I ask

"I'm not with my laptop at the moment, and you know I hate using my phone for video calls." She tells me. That's my sister for you. She hated many things and one of them was having a video call on her phone.

I nod even though I know she can't see me, "Ok. Sorry I haven't called to check up on you. How are you?"

There's no sound for like three seconds, I check to see if she cut. Knowing she can do that. she is like that, but the call is still on, "Dani, are you there?" I ask worried.

She answers me this time, "Sorry, had something to do." Her voice sounding breathy, like she did something strenuous. I don't comment on that. "Don't worry I am to supposed to have called. I'm doing good." She answers my earlier question.

What she says surprises me, the Dani I know would have said something smart ass.

Then she giggles.

I frown thinking what on earth could make Dani giggle, she never giggles, she is an ANTI-GIGGLER, "Dani, are you ok?" I ask.

For the second in this call, because I'm confused.

"I'm ok. I'm just happy." She tells me making me smile. I love when she is happy. "Enough about me? Anything new?" This behavior of Dani is new and strange. Dani loves talking about herself, it's something I made her do a lot when growing up because I didn't want to talk about my problems. So her asking about me is weird.

I shrug and thinking about everything that has happened this pass few weeks, everything is worth talking about, all my new experiences, how asshole-y my boss is, the friends I have made - Dani will be happy about that, she always wanted me to make friends. "I'm fine, very fine. I'm sure mum told you I got a job."

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