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From the start, I knew I wasn't like the others.....

" Congratulations, *Redacted*-sama! It's a healthy baby girl!" The mid-wife gleefully announced to the man, holding up the silent baby. The nurses in the room quickly grew worried and rushed to check up on the newborn baby. The man walked up to his wife on the bed, his eyes shadowed by his silver hair. 

Underneath the shadow, a cold, hateful, and angry glare filled his cloudy blue eyes. His wife stared up at him in fear, " Dear, I-" 

" You swore on your life you'd birth me a son" He started slowly, a gloved hand slowly reaching behind him. " And you failed". With a swift move, a gun shot rang. Blood and brains splattering all over the birthing room's walls. 

The doors slammed opened, and a few men entered, armed with guns. The nurses screeched in fear, yet the child remained dormant, undisturbed by the loud gunshots ringing throughout the room and the blood splatter on her face. 

The man walked slowly towards the sleeping newborn on the cot, slightly intrigued. I wonder... he thought. 

He took the child and walked out of the room, followed by his men.

I remembered everything... The blood.... the bodies... My father..

The doors of the mansion opened, revealing the man holding his child in a strangely caring way, you'd think seeing him this way that he'd have lost his mind after killing his wife. From the corner of his eye, he saw a glint from the trees, a golden dagger shot straight towards him followed by a barrel of bullets. 

He ran behind a wall, shielding himself and the child. He holds the child in one arm, while the other holds up a gun. He peeks through the wall, and sees a woman taking down each and everyone of his men. His car is only a few steps away from him and he sees the opportunity.

Yet he suddenly remembers the child in his arms. He hesitates but ultimately decides to leave her. The man gently drops the child on the child on the floor. " I'll come back to get you...." his eyes drifts off to the cloth wrapped around  her. " Clara.." 

He stands and runs for the car, speeding off away in the distance. It was only then when the child opened her eyes and cried.

He lied.... He never came back... 

Papa is a liar.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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