C3- My 'Buddy'

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"That is all," Kakashi said.

Everyone (but Lee) started to disperse.

"Woah hold up there," Gai and Kakashi said in unison.

Gai started, "Tenten? Where are you going? We have our morning run."

I have to say Tenten did not look amused, "Listen Gai Sensei, I'll be back to train at 9, the whole morning run thing is kinda you and Lee's thing," and with that she walked away.

Kakashi went on, "Anyway... Neji and Y/n have to stay here because today is the official first day of the 'Buddy Project' a..."

I drown out the sound of Kakashi's voice.

Me. Here. Alone, with Neji Hyuga.

Why did he pick me?

What did he want with me?

Why was he sooo hot?

I had so many questions.

"...and-, Y/n? Are you listening to me?"

"O-oh yes, yes i'm listening to Kakashi sensei sorry."

Neji scowled at my ignorance.

"Anyway," he continued

"And you guys need to get to know each other. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto, you all can go home. We will have afternoon training today."

"Yess!" The blonde knucklehead yelled excitedly.

"Thank you Kakashi sensei." Sakura said.

"See you all at the training spot at 2."

And with that he left. Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and I all gave each other a look knowing full well that Kakashi sensei would not be there till at least 2:30. He would probably get lost on the path of life again.

Everyone had left and, just like that, it was just the Hyuga and I. We were on our own.

My face was flushed,

"So..." I started to speak.

"We will look at your taijutsu first," He said bluntly

What?! He wants to spar right here right now, I won't survive this. Against the great Neji Hyuga? No way.

"M-My taijutsu? Right here, right now?"

"Hm," he hummed in response

He took an offensive stance. I guess he wasn't joking, not that he really looks like the type of guy to joke about this stuff in the first place. He made the first move and I narrowly avoided it, he kept attacking but surprisingly I kept avoiding. Eventually I had enough and I threw my first attack. I don't know what he was expecting but I don't think he was expecting me to attack. I landed the first attack because he let his guard down but, I think it's safe to say that he did not make the same mistake again. We went at it for a while and he did land quite a few hits, I have to say. But, I could see he was starting to get frustrated. So I decided to speed this up.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Snake Jutsu!" I shouted

"Wait, what?!"

Before he knew he was on the ground, wrapped up in my jutsu. I may be shy, especially in front of him but when it comes to a fight, I don't lose.

"S-Sorry," I put my head down in embarrassment.

"I-it's y-you said you wanted to see my taijutsu but you never said that I couldn't use ninjutsu you just said you wanted to see my taijutsu."

I nervously reached out my hand to help him, he didn't take it. Instead he wobbled his way to his feet, when he finally made his way to feet it looked like he had winced a little bit.

"Are y-you okay?" I asked him

"I'm fine"

"O-okay well I need to take a shower so, maybe I could go home and shower then meet you around noon? Y'know before we have to go back to our teams."

I looked at my watch


That would be okay then.

"Sure," he said.

On our way back to the village he looked like he was really struggling, he was clearly trying to not to show signs of pain but, I could tell. He also kinda had a limp, he must've hurt his foot. But what was I gonna do? I'm just a shy little genin and he is the great Neji Hyuga.

I laughed at my self. Sureee, a little shy ninja that knows medical ninjutsu. But I was still nervous around him.

"N-Neji p-please let me help you,"

I had a soft expression. He looked at me, almost analyzing my facial features. He then sat down with his back against a tree.

"Help me then," he said bluntly.

I sat down towards his feet, "What foot is it?" I asked softly.

"My right one."

I very carefully picked up his right foot and laid it on my lap. He winced a bit.


I looked at his foot a bit, "Okay Neji, tell me when it hurts"

As soon as I started moving his foot he winced again

"It hurts."

He had a broken ankle, so I rested his foot back on my lap and started medical ninjutsu.

"How do you know medical ninjutsu?" Neji asked.

"W-Well apparently one of the three legendary sannin had been my father's sensei, so one of the other sannin who had trained with my fathers sensei felt obligated to train with me. Tsunade, Lady Tsunade. She helped me learn medical ninjutsu when I was very young."

My medical ninjutsu was actually very good for someone my age.

After I finished my medical ninjutsu It must've been a while because it looked like Neji had dozed off and fallen asleep. That may actually be helpful, so while I wrap his foot he will feel less pain; Hopefully.

I grabbed 2 long sticks and the gauze from my pouch, then I slowly took off his sandal and placed the sticks on either side of his ankle then slowly started wrapping it up with the gauze. When I was finished I was admiring my handy work but now, I was trying to figure out how I was gonna get him back to leaf village.

"Ninja Art: Super Beast Strength," I whispered and with that I picked him up and placed him on my back, grabbed his other sandal and made my way back to the leaf.

I made my way back to the leaf and arrived at the hospital. When I walked in the doors I flagged down the attending nurse,

"Hello Y/n what can I d-," he was alarmed when he finally noticed Neji on my back.

"I have Neji Hyuga with a clean break in the right ankle. Page Lady Tsunade."

I took Neji to a hospital room and laid him down on the bed. Somehow he was still asleep. He looked so peaceful and his features were soft. It was a large change from his usual harsh features and natural scowl.

Just then lady Tsunade walked in.

"You Paged me?"

"Yes, This is Neji Hyuga," I said pointing to the still sleeping boy on the bed.

"Yes, I know Neji," she said.

"Well, he has a broken ankle."

"Yes, why does he have a broken ankle?"

"Well, we were training and I used ninjutsu on him. But sometimes I don't know my own strength and my lightning snake accidentally broke his right ankle. But in my defense I was really nervous because I have a crush on him and it was our first training session together."

She was smiling, "Ahh, I see."

I sat down In a chair and dozed off while she went to work on Nejis's ankle.

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