It was an accident

486 23 40

3rd POV

Ever since then you have been following  that motel group with more freakers appearing from the woods slowly one by one. You came across them again at the train they where riding on with a whole hoard of freakers by your side as you scared them off. Then you come across another city with the train left all by its lonesome as you and the freakers begin to flood the city streets.

You sperated yourself from the rest of the herd as you didn't wanna give people an issue. You decide to sit behind a trash bin wanting a minute to think to yourself on what your gonna do now. You hear static noises next to you, but can't clearly see what it is. With the trash bins blocking your vision. Your urges kick in for some reason as you try to reach for whatever was making that noise.

However it turns out you end up biting flesh rather then something else. Whoever you bit pushed you to the ground and tried to finish you with a kick to the face, but your urges leave you and you dodge last minute. When you get up and back away both you and the person you bit stare at eachother in shock.

It's was Lee. You just bit Lee.



Lee: You. Your the walker from the motel. The one who bit Duck. The one who bit............ me.

We both look at the little bite mark on his left wrist.

Lee: Nothing we can do about that now. Your a walker aren't you? So how come you aren't like the other ones to try and finish me off and how are you able to dodge. It's almost like your-

Y/N: Still conscious.

Lee: What the hell!? Who the fuck was that!?

Y/N: Wait you can hear me?

Lee: Who are you?

Y/N: Believe it or not, I'm actually this so called walker right in front of you.

Lee: WHAT!?!?!?

Y/N: I know it sounds crazy, but look I'll prove it to you! The walker is gonna hold up 2 fingers.

I then proceed to hold up 2 fingers.

Y/N: Can a walker do that?

Lee: No, but if your a walker. Then how are you still conscious and talking to me right now?

Y/N: I'm just as confused about this as you are! What happened earlier are these urges that I get while in this state and I've yet to control it yet.

Lee: Wait you wanna stay like that? Wouldn't you want your suffering to end?

Y/N: I did at first, but  I got eaten alive as you can see from my body of bite marks the first day this all went down. I thought I would just be dead, but instead I wake up again in this state, and I tried killing myself, but nothing was working. Then I saved someone from getting eaten and turn out like this, so I gave myself a mission to protect any mostly children from ever having to go through what I had to go through or worse, but you can see how that's been playing out! I've failed the first few days I gave myself that goal and I only ended up causing that problem. I didn't mean to bite that kid. My urges got the better of me and I couldn't hold it back. Now it's happened with you. I'm such a failure. I'm‐

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