Restless - Remusxreader (smut)

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Young Remus obvi

It was nearing the full moon and Remus was becoming restless. He woke you up in the middle of the night getting out of bed for a cigarette or tossing and turning in bed so tonight you decided to sleep in your own dorm. You couldn't stop thinking about yesterday  when Remus snapped at you for bumping into him in the hall.
"You look annoyed" said Lily, her hip was popped out and she was looking at you curiously.
You hummed your answer.
"Where'd you get those pyjamas Lily?" Asked Mary as she was crawling into her bed.
Lily turned to mary and started talking.
You took this opportunity to go get ready for bed. You dig around in your trunk for pyjamas and head to the bathroom.

Your shower tonight felt a little longer than it usually did. Letting the hot water run over your scalp and shoulders for a while longer before stepping out of the tub. The air was harshly cold comparing to the temperature in the shower. Shivers ran up your back and arms as you dried off and slipped into your pyjamas, a large black hoodie and white shorts. You cursed yourself for choosing the shorts as you tugged your hood over your head.

Out of the bathroom you ran into your bed, pulling your duvet over and around you. "Why the hell is this castle so cold!"
"I think you're just a baby" said Marlene chuckling at your cocoon of blankets.
"Excuse me?!" You said mocking offence.
"Is the boys dorm warmer??" Asked Dorcas, "because if so I'm throwing hands!"
Lily laughed, "no the boys are just warmer" she smirked at you.
The room burst out in laughter but you just drew your curtains closed, Lily reminding you just why you weren't sleeping in there tonight.
You hoped everyone just assumed you were embarrassed rather than agitated, by the way laughs grew louder you assumed you were right.
Eventually they died away and there was only a few murmurs of conversations before you drifted off.

Your awoke by the sound of your curtains being ripped open. Remus stood beside your bed, his hand gripping a curtain.
"What the hell??" You croaked.
"Why aren't you sleeping with me tonight?" Remus asked.
"Because you're an arse." You replied
"Why??" He asked
You just looked at him in exasperation. You knew he knew. There was no reason to avoid it. Remus couldn't bother to apologize, when he did it was in ways that weren't talking.
Remus sighed. "Let me make it up to you." He said.
You raised your eyebrows, and Remus knelt on the side of your bed. "I'm sorry" he whispered.
Remus was starring at you intensely. His body was rigged and tense, his eye brows creased and hands fisted on his lap.
"Please" he mouthed.
You were always too quick to forgive him. He never learned then but you couldn't help it. You leaned forward and kissed him lightly.
"I forgive you Remus" you whispered against his lips. You felt him smile.
Then you felt Remus lifting you from your bed, throwing you over his shoulder and standing. "Remus what are you doing?!" you whisper yelled.
"Taking you to my room." He replied.
You groaned. The cold air wrapped around you and a shiver racked your body. Remus rubbed his hand over the back of your thigh as he made his way back down the stairs of the girls dormitories.
"You know I never agreed to this" you said as Remus open the door to the boys dormitories. Everyone was sound asleep.
"You're not upset." He pointed out, crawling into his bed and plopping you down. You landed on your back, bouncing a little with the force. You weren't. You were glad about this really. At least for the fact that Remus was really warm.
Remus was kneeling over you on his knees. "Let me make it up to you" he said, pulling up your hoodie slightly and leaving a kiss on your lower abdomen. You knew what he planned to do. When it was close to a full moon Remus couldn't get enough of eating you out. He would spend as long as you'd let him, gripping you to him or having you sit on his face.
He started leaving warm open mouth kisses on your hips while pulling your shorts down your legs. He stared down at your thighs hungrily. Bringing his head down, he nipped at your inner thigh and you let out a gasp. Remus chuckled and took the hem of your panties between your teeth, pulling them slowly down your legs.

Hands rough with scars gripped your knees, pulling them apart. Remus knelt between your legs and planted a kiss to your clit. He wrapped his hands around the backs of your thighs and pulled you towards him burying his face in your cunt.
You gasped as he started sucking and licking your pussy. "Muffliato" you rushed out, pointing your wand at the curtains. Remus chuckled at you.
He moved his hands under your hoodie to play with your tits. You let out a soft moan and Remus grunted. You tangled your hands in his soft messy brown hair and tugged.
Remus didn't hold back. He was eggar to please.
Soon enough your legs were tensing around Remus as pleasure rolled through your body.

Remus didn't come up until your legs were trembling. He stoked your thighs.
"I love you like this" He said looking you over.
You felt your neck heat and turned your face away from Remus. Warm fingers gripped your jaw, tilting your head up. Remus was looking down at you, a smile plastered on his face. You felt it when he kissed you. Kissing him back and wrapping your legs around him. You pulled him closer to you. Feeling him hard and big against you.
Remus grunted. "Y/n" he breathed against your lips. You felt a strong surge of need for him.  Bringing your hands to his hips, you smoothed them under his grey hoodie and over his chest. Remus' body came down on you, grinding his cock against your pussy through his pj pants. You struggled out of your own hoodie. Remus stared down at your bare tits. Immediately taking a pert nipple into his mouth. Nipping at the sensitive skin. Tingles ignited down your stomach and hips. Goose bumps risings to your skin when Remus rubbed his hand down your side.
"You have too much clothes on" you stated, not so subtly suggesting he take them off.
Remus knelt back on his knees and lifted his hoodie over his head. His lean torso stretching . You scooted forward and slipped your hands in the hem of his plaid pants tugging them down his thighs.
Remus looked down at you, running his hand over your head as you planted kisses on his hips. Before you could take him into your mouth, he was pushing you onto your back and crawling over you.
His cock jutted out long and hard, resting against your stomach. Long fingers gripped your wrists and brought them above your head. Remus kissed down your arms to your neck. Remus tilted his hips, slipping his cock between your legs. You ground your hips against him, letting a whimper slip from your lips. That sound encouraged Remus to thrust against you, slipping the tip of his cock into your folds. You gasped when another thrust made him slip inside just an inch. You were getting desperate for him to be inside you. You were squirming in his hold. When you tugged at his hold on your wrists Remus tightened his grasp. "Stay still" he demanded, his voice was rough.
"Please" you whined and Remus obeyed. He thrusted deep ripping a moan from your throat. Remus set a hard, deep pace.
"Kiss me" you asked.
Remus brought his lips down on yours. Biting your bottom lip. When he pulled away he rasped, "touch yourself"
You blushed but brought your hand down to tease your clit. Pleasure building in your abdomen as Remus continued to hit your g spot. You couldn't help the moans that broke from your lips.
"God Remus!" You moaned.
Remus grunted, moving faster inside you. You were close and you could tell he was too. His thrusts became frantic, pressing you deeper into the bed and you sped up your movements on your clit.
Soon the both of you were coming apart. Remus' moans were low and hot as he breathed on your neck.

You trembled under him. Remus' thrusts slowed to a stop. He brought his forehead to yours and kissed you gently, still holding your wrists. He let you go and brought your body close to his tangling your legs together. You wrapped a hand around his neck and curled against him.
Remus pulled the sheets over you and planted a kiss to your forehead.
"Was that a good apology?" He asked brushing hair from your rosy face.
You just chuckled and squeezed him tighter, grateful for the warmth of his body against your own.

(Authors note: remember to please vote on the ones you guys enjoy so I know what you like :))

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