Oh what a rainy day can do~

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Nate's POV-

I pack my bag for the night hurrying as I don't want to be late. I zip the white duffel bag closed and hurry out the room. Grabbing my glasses, I walk into the hallway and slip my trainers on.
I walk out the front door dropping on to the porch and continue ahead, the sound of my trainers crunching against the rocks of my front garden being the only sound of the silent street. I let out a groan realising that I have to walk. 'Fuck' I whisper to myself as I continue walking, it would take a good 25 minutes to walk to Mark's.

A good 5 minutes later I feel rain droplets drip on to my dark chocolate hair. 'Just my luck' I think to myself whilst increasing my pace. It just gets heavier. The biter rain dripping down my skin making shivers run down my spine as I feel the water seep through my clothes. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket but don't pull it out as I don't want it to get damaged. The rain just gets heavier and much more aggressive. I can feel the puddles forming in my shoes squelching with every step I take.

I soon realise I've still got another 15 minutes to go.


Time skip~ 15 minutes later.

I turn the corner onto Mark's driveway and walk forward onto his porch which thankfully has a roof. I'm greeted by a big white door standing not to much taller then me. I bring my numb hand up and knock on the glass. A few seconds later the door is pulled open and I see Mark, his bright red hair bringing comfort to me in a strange way as I feel the heat from the inside silently flood my body.
'Woah, you look like shit' he says letting out a chuckle. 'Feel like it to' I say my voice shaking from the bitter air while letting out a wet laugh. 'We'll come in' he says gesturing towards the inside of his hallway. 'I don't want to get your floor wet' I mumble. 'Don't worry about it, honestly it needs to be mopped anyway' he says with a shrug. 'Thanks, Mark' I say stepping into the welcoming hallway. I place my bag on the floor by the front door and look around.

The first thing I notice is the sweet smell of lavender. But also how warm the house is, not unbearably hot but not to cold either. I feel the warmth slowly making my shoulders relax. I snap out of my thoughts when Mark starts to talk.

'We have quite a bit of time before our shift starts, would you want a shower?' He asks whist staring into my eyes with his hazel brown ones. 'If it isn't a bother' I say. 'Of course not, I'll show you where the shower room is' he says flashing me a gentle smile as he turns around and starts leading me to the bathroom. I look around as we walk. I notice that Mark had quite a few photos of me and him framed around the house. It is honestly kind of cute.

When we arrive outside the bathroom door he opens the door and says 'Call me if you need me' I step into the bathroom before saying 'Will do.' whilst closing the door.

I get into the shower and let out a breath out that I didn't know I was holding as the warm water hits my icy back. I start to dread going to work. The past few nights have been sleepless due to insomnia and I'm just really not up for going tonight but it is what it is I think to myself.


Time skip 5 minuets later~

I decide to get out and get changed. I grab the white towel sitting neatly on the rack. Wrapping the towel around my waist I realise that I left my clothes by the front door.


I soon realise that I'm just gonna have to ask Mark to get the bag for me. I sigh whilst rubbing my face with my hands 'Mark!' I shout nerves lacing through my voice with worry's of hoping he'll hear me because I really don't want to go get it in just a towel. 'Yeah? What is it?' He reply's the worry of his tone flooding my ears. 'Could you bring me my bag with my clothes in please, it should be by the front door' I reply sighing in embarrassment. 'Yeah sure no problem!' He replies then I hear the sounds of footsteps getting quieter. A few moments later the footsteps came back before a knock came on the door.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MARKS POV BC IM ZESTY:

I knock on my wooden bathroom door a few seconds later the door was opened and Nate was standing their with a towel rapped tightly around his waist and water dripping of him from everywhere. I quickly put the duffle bag out in front of me for him to grab. Holy shit, I feel his wet fingers brush over mine, the warmth of his hands sending a weird feeling through out my body. He takes his duffle bag out of my hands and quickly apologises and shuts the door. I feel a slight smile creep up on my face as a walk away from my bathroom.



Once I'm dressed I open the door and step out into the hall. I start to walk around in a attempt to find Mark. I turn the corner into a room that looks like a living room and see Mark sitting on the sofa. 'Hey, enjoy your shower?' He asks directing his eyes to the space on the sofa next to him. 'It was good, a lot better then the shower at mine it wont even heat up half the time.' I say with a chuckle sitting down onto the soft sofa.

'What time is it?' I ask wondering when we need to leave for our shift.
'It's 10:45' he answers making eye contact with me. I take a moment to look at him fully. He's wearing a baggy, black t-shirt , a pair of blue jeans with a pair of bright pink slippers on his feet. 'Nice slippers.' I say a smirk forming on my face. 'You little shit' he replies grinning from ear to ear. 'At least I can dry my hair properly' he says a hand reaching out to ruffle my wet hair. I let out a chuckle and pull his wrist away from my hair. 'We probably need to leave around 11:30, so I need to get changed and you can borrow my hair dryer because I don't want you getting a cold, have you eaten yet?' He asks 'No, not really, food skipped my mind because I was in a rush, I'm not hungry anyway.' I say trying my best to reassure him. 'You have to have something we are working a 6 hour shift and it's nights, if you don't want something now we can bring something, I always get hungry during my shift anyway' he says with a chuckle. 'Yeah that's fine' I answer hesitantly.

'Well, the hair dryer is in the bathroom in the
cupboard and a comb and a brush under the sink, you don't have to use the brush, I like when your hair is fluffy' he says smirking at me. 'I give up' I let out a overdramatic sigh and storm out of the room. I hear Mark giggle as I walk down the hall. It was kind of cute.






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