Talk To Me.

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I walk toward my house when I realise, I forgot to tell Nate that I'd pick him up tonight. I turn around and see him walking oddly slow and rather of-balance. I make my way to him when suddenly he falls, landing roughly with a groan. I sprint over to him, concern flooding my body as I practically slam myself down onto my knees. "Nate?" I ask gently, he seems completely out of it. The thing that worries me the most is the gash on his forehead, which is currently oozing blood onto him and his previous clear glasses lenses. His head falls so I quickly lift his chin, trying to keep him awake "Nate it's Mark, can you hear me?" I question. He only lets out a groan before falling forward, I catch him and lift him up. As I run into my house, I notice how light he is, he's got quite a- dare I say muscular build so him being this light with all that muscle weight is concerning- he really- really shouldn't be this light. I snap myself out of my thoughts, placing him on the sofa and reaching for a first aid kit, I open it and pull out a pack of butterfly stitches. I realise I need to clean the blood. I grab an antiseptic wipe and quickly clean the blood and start to stitch the gash. I finish stitching, it's not the greatest job, but it'll help it not get infected. I apply small rectangular plaster type things across the wound.

I feel myself staring at his pale, smooth skin. I notice how peaceful he looks, his eyes are softly closed, and his breathing is gentle. I notice small, pink scars littered across his face they almost blend in with the hazel freckles that dust his pale skin, they seem to be covered in something, probably concealer. I had noticed it yesterday as well when he forgot his clothes in the shower. While in awe and admiring every part of his bare chest I had noticed some of the concealer around his chest had been smudged which revelled a light pink scar. I didn't think anything of it at the time but now it's starting to make me curious, I don't understand why he would hide this? He knows I'd never judge; I have a long scar that runs along my bicep, he knows that, and he sees it a lot. I got it from an incident on one of our shifts, Nate broke his leg and received a large gash on his ankle, but he still insisted on stitching my injury first. I always noticed that about Nate, he always put me first. I also notice how oddly good at first aid he is, when I asked him about it, he just said he was taught in med-school, but he never went to college which is what spins me out.

I snap myself out of my trance and sit down next to him, inspecting his hands to see if he has any other injuries. I scan his hands and they seem fine other than a few scratches from the fall. I'm tempted to roll up his sleeves, but I know he wouldn't want me to, so I don't. I also don't want to take his jacket off just in case he freaks out when he wakes, he's very- well- protective over his privacy.


TIME SKIP! - around 30 mins

I notice he begins to shift, he's sweating, and his eyebrows are pinched together. "Nate?" I ask quietly. He doesn't respond. "Nate?" I place a hand on his shoulder- I shouldn't had done that. He jolts up his eyes going wide like a deer in headlights, his arms come up to cover his head defensively, as his breathing speeds up I go in-front of him and crouch down to his level. He seems to notice me, his expression like he had seen a ghost. He clears his throat and takes a deep breath "Mark?" He questions. "Yeah, it's me, you're alright just take deep breaths. I'm here with you." I say comforting him. He puts his head in his hands, sighing. "What am I doing here? I- you weren't supposed to see that..." he mutters through his hands. I frown and place my hand on his thigh, feeling jagged lines making my eyes widen. I choose not to mention it "I forgot to tell you that I was going to pick you up tonight, so I went to tell you and you just collapsed." I say gazing at his hazel eyes that I could get lost in for days. "I patched you up and now we are here." He removes his hands from his face and smiles gently "thanks Mark, sorry for bothering you..." He apologises "what's the time?" He asks groggily. I check my phone and it reads 7:45AM I tell him, and he frowns. "You should sleep, we've got work tonight and I don't want you being tired because of me." He mumbles, clearly upset. "Don't worry about it, I still have plenty of time to sleep, and it's you I'm worried about." I reassure him gently. He just frowns, staring at the floor. "Hey, don't be upset, okay? What's wrong?" I ask with a small frown, he keeps his gaze on the floor, his eyes lost in a thousand places that I want to explore, I just need him to let me. I move my hand of his thigh and onto his making a light shade of pink dust across my cheeks. It seems to work as he slowly lifts his head.



WORDS- 971

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