First shift~

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(Now I have to write the whole sl dialogue)

TW- IMPLIED ANOREXIA, AND LACK OF SLEEP, IMPLIED DEPRESSION, SWEARING, (not a trigger but Nate will be trans and ace)

Nates POV~

We start walking towards the building, I don't feel to well I'm dizzy so it's making me wobble a bit but nothing to bad overall. I catch Mark glancing at me every now and then so I pop him a small smile in an attempt to make him let it go.

We walk into the building and walk to what appears to be a elevator before we could say anything a voice floods my ears.
'Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career! Whether you were approached at a job fair, read our ad in Screws, bolts, and hairpins, or if this is the result of a dare, we welcome you. I will be your personal guide to help you get started. I'm a model 5 of the Handyman's Robotics and Unit Repair System. But, you can call me "Handy-Unit". Your new career promises challenge, intrigue, and endless janitorial opportunities. Please enter your names as seen above the keypad. This cannot be changed later, so, please be careful.' Hand-Unit blares through the speaker. I'm the first to move taking a step towards the key pad and just take one look at it and already know this is going to be a long night. I crouch down to the keypads level then turn my head to look at Mark.

'Its totally rigged and I cant do much about it come have a look.' I say before Mark starts walking towards me to look at the keypad. He crouches down and looks at the yellow keypad. 'Yeah aint no way I can type into that would you mind doing mine for me if you can? your the "tech master". He says making speech marks when he says tech master.

I let out a wheeze and then say 'Yeah that's fine, I'm gonna do mine first cause I'm more important.' I say with a smirk and turn my head back towards the keypad with shaky fingers I attempt to type my name into the moving letters. I press enter after successfully putting my name in, a few seconds later the same voice of the hand unit comes through the crappy speakers.

'It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will autocorrect it for you. One moment. Welcome Eggs Benedict!' the elevator music floods my ears before I can even process what just happened what the fuck I start to think about how it even got Egg's Benedict? I typed Nathan into the keypad and it gets Eggs Benedict, this place is so stupid. I let out a sigh that turned into a groan. All of a sudden Marks at my eye level looking worried. 'Hey, you alright? You look quite pale and you've been acting strange since we got out of the car, I can take tonight's shift if you need a break.' He offers. I refuse to meet his gaze keeping my hazel eyes fixed on the dirty floor. 'Yeah I'm fine! just tired I didn't get much sleep last night but I'll be fine don't worry.' I say in reassurance, I mean it wasn't a lie but it wasn't the truth either.

I shift my eyes to look into his and he has a small frown formed on his rosy pink lips. 'Okay as long as your sure.' He says before standing up and reaching a long arm down in a offer to help me up. I take his hand and stand up 'Well what- I get cut of when the Hand-Unit starts talking 'You can now open the elevator using that bright, red, and obvious button. Let's get to work!' It says in a welcoming tone. Mark walks towards the button and pushes it the elevator doors open and theirs nothing. I look the wall up and down and notice a tiny crawl space at the bottom barley big enough for a person. 'Uh, Mark?' I say keeping my eyes fixed on the vent. 'Yeah what's u- I am not going through that' He says sternly. 'It looks like we have to.' I say whilst looking at him, his eyes are fixed on the tiny crawl space. 'Well let's get this over with, Who's going first?' I ask still looking at the red head. 'I'll go first.' He says meeting my gaze his eyes shining like the stars. 'Okay, let's get this over with' I say, Mark starts walking towards the small vent.

I love you so, ~NatiplerWhere stories live. Discover now