Chapter Eleven: Stress Fractures

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I was halfway to the school when my phone rang, pulling me from my thoughts. "This is Okazaki; good afternoon, Hiroshi."

"Good afternoon, Tomoya!" my GGI contact greeted. "How are things? I know it's only been a couple of days, but..."

"It seems like it's been longer?" I suggested with a grin, even though I knew he couldn't see it.

"With the ongoing investigation, most certainly!" he laughed. "In fact, that's what I'm calling about."

I felt my heart rate increase in anticipation. "Did they catch him?"

"...Not yet," he replied with regret in his tone. "But we've been able to narrow it down to a few individuals – about five – so we're a lot closer than we were a week ago."

"That's a relief," I breathed. "To be honest, it's getting more and more difficult to keep myself from...well, from Rie." Under most circumstances my statement would be considered inappropriate, but in this case...

"I understand, Tomoya, and from the bottom of my heart I truly appreciate what you're doing for our company. We'll be sure to make it up to the both of you once we've found the culprit."

"No need, but thank you."

A noticeable pause. "Sakagami will be working with you this weekend, correct?"

"That's my understanding, yes," I confirmed as a couple walked by, arm in arm. "But now that you mention it, I should check with her once I get to the school."

"A fine plan." Another pause. "I actually consider us very lucky to have her as part of our team. A former vigilante? I think I've mentioned this before but I've read about her former activities, but I never thought that she would be willing to use them this way. Professionally, that is."

"She likes protecting people," I reminded him. "She and the girls..." I paused, then chuckled. "I guess they're all girls, aren't they...?"

I heard him chuckle as well. "I know what you mean; go on."

"Anyway, she and the girls really got on well after the situation with the stalker, so I'm looking forward to seeing how things go this weekend." My eyes lost focus as I remembered last night's conversation with said stalker's target but forced myself back to the present. "I'm hoping that she won't be needed."

"We always hope for that," he agreed. "At least we know that the Angels of Japan are in good hands, both with you and with Sakagami."

I blinked at the unexpected praise. "Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome!" he exclaimed, and I could hear the smile in his voice. "Well, I'd better not keep you any longer; unless I'm mistaken, you have to be at the club in fifteen, right?"


"Then I'll let you go. Have a great day, Tomoya!"

"Thank you. You too, sir."

We ended the call and I pocketed my phone before continuing on my way to Hikarizaka High. I waved at some familiar faces from the Chorus Club as I headed to the main office to check in.

As usual, Himura was at the main desk; fortunately, she was more covered up this time. "Are you feeling better after yesterday?" she asked as she signed me in.

"I am, thank you," I replied. "I just received a positive progress report from my GGI contact; you remember him, right?" I'd told her a little bit about the situation, mainly to explain the change in my treatment of the Chorus Club president.

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