Chapter Three: Fortune and Fame

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I checked my watch as I waited in front of the train station for the girls. "They're not here yet, but they're not late either," I murmured to myself. As I lowered my arm, my gaze was drawn to the outfit that I'd chosen to wear for this trip; a tan suit that looked much like my old school uniform, only these had tan slacks as well, along with a blue necktie that, remarkably, matched the color of my hair.

I saw an unusual figure out of the corner of my eye; at first I thought it was one of the girls because of her reddish-brown hair, but the shades, hat, and mask told me that it was likely either a celebrity or some unfortunate soul who had fallen ill. Based on the way she was carrying herself it was likely the former so I gave her a respectful distance, though I couldn't help but wonder what someone like her would be doing all the way out in Hikarizaka.

A few minutes later another one joined her, this one with purple locks that peeked out from under her cap, and I blinked at the realization that they were wearing the same 'protective' gear but I still opted to give them space.

Two more joined the group, same getup and all, though one had brown hair and one had red hair; maybe they were an idol group heading home from a performance the night prior? I didn't know anything about currently operating idol groups, so...

I checked my watch again, then closed my eyes and angled my head one way, then the other to try to work out a knot that had somehow made its way into my neck during my morning.


I opened my eyes to the familiar voice, only to find another mask, shades and cap-wearing figure before me, this one with blue hair...wait a minute... "Rie?"

"Good morning, Tomoya," she muffled from behind the mask. "I'm sorry if I'm late."

"You're not, but..." I gestured to her. "What are you doing in that getup? Are you sick or something? You don't have to go if that's the case."

The way her eyes crinkled told me she was smiling behind the getup. "No, silly," she replied as she waved at the other mask-wearing girls to come over. "Reiko thought that we should protect our identities for this trip, and the rest of us thought it would be a good idea."

My forehead wrinkled as I considered her explanation... I had to chuckle. "Rie, I don't think you're well-known enough to have to worry about that kind of thing just yet," I told her as the others joined us. "You're pretty well-known around here, sure, but in Tokyo...?" I shrugged with an apologetic look. "Sorry, not just yet."

"Then should we take these off?" I heard Amane muffle from behind her mask.

I chuckled again. "Right now, I think you'd draw more attention with the way you're dressed."

There were several sighs of relief as masks, caps, and shades were removed, though Reiko kept hers on. "Are you sure we'll be okay?"

I regarded the tough redhead. "I think if anyone gives you trouble, you're more than capable of handling it."

"True." She briefly flicked her gaze to the ground before meeting my eyes again. "All right, chief; we'll do this your way."

"I appreciate it," I replied, trying not to smile as she removed her gear. "Let's head in; the train will be here pretty soon." I collected their hats and the like, then mentally kicked myself as I realized that they were still wearing their school uniforms, and as such I should have realized who they were. "Oh, well," I sighed as I followed the quintet into the station.

"Did you say something, Nii-san?" I glanced ahead to find Amane looking over her shoulder at me.

"Just thinking out loud," I mumbled. "Don't mind me."

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