Part 23

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OKAY OKAY I'M SORRY I'M BACK! But seriously I am officially on summer break and now have all the time in the world in the world to update because I have no social life :)

but anyway in case you forgot what happened since I've been gone so long


Eleanor wakes up, she's happy, Louis' happy, all seems happy, doctor tells Louis' it was a close one and he needs to keep an eye on here, then they find out Eleanor is pregnant. (Reminder Louis and Eleanor did have sex, but Eleanor was also raped so they don't know who the father is.)

"I'm pregnant?" I asked in shock staring at him.

"Yes, haven't you been experiences signs? Bloating, vomit, weight gain, drowsiness?" He asked.

"Well yeah, but I thought I was gaining weight because I'm fat, so then I kind of stopped eating and I thought that was why the other things were happening." I ended in a whisper.

"Eleanor you're still in a rather critical state, you have to continue eating, Louis it's very important you ensure she's getting enough food. Will you watch out for her?" He said in a grave tone and Louis turned meeting my eyes.

"Always." He said more to me than the doctor.

"Okay now we need to discuss the baby. First of all, do you know who the father is?" He says pulling out a notepad. It was meant to be a simple question, but I couldn't guarantee it was Louis'.

"Well no." I admitted.

"Who else might it be?" He asked as if it weren't awkward.

"Well I was...intimate against my consent." I said trying to avoid being blunt.

"So you were raped?" He asked.

"Yeah." I bite my lip feeling uncomfortable.

"And I assume this wasn't by anyone you know?" He asked. I shook my head.

"And when intimate, were you protected on either occasion?"


"Well the, I wish there was more that I could do for you but as long as the baby is in your womb, I can't do a DNA test." He said. I bite my lip in anxiety. What if Louis isn't the father?

"Wait." A Nurse who had come in the room for some reason chirped. I turned looking at her. "Would you be interested in trying to date the baby?" I look at her confused.

"It all depends, there's a low chance we'll be able to find out who's it is, but it's low risk. Unless of course you just want to leave as soon as possible then" she trailed off.

"Well if there's no risk I don't see why not." I reply.

"Okay!" She says jumping on the computer and furiously typing in data. Okay can you give me as accurate as possible dates as to when it happened?" She asked.

"Well, me and Louis were about two months ago, and the- other one was about one month ago." I said.

"Well, at least you get some good news then." I look at her confused.

"You are two months along, the baby is Louis'." I felt an overwhelming sense of relief surge through me. Louis smirks and I roll my eyes.

"But the fate of the baby still remains." The doctor says, bringing us all back to seriousness. Eleanor do you even want a child, let alone go through birth?"

"What are my options?" I ask shifting in my seat.

"Well, you can choose to go through the process with this baby and then give it up, or you can decide to keep it. Or you can abort it." My jaw dropped.

"No I can't do that." I shook my head, I would feel too guilty.

"Eleanor, it's your body. There's nothing wrong with having an abortion. Giving birth is a very demanding, stressful, and painful process not everyone wants to go through. In fact in your current state, unless you have your mind set on having a baby I would have it aborted. I don't know that your body can handle birth without shutting down, it wouldn't be without risk." I bit my lip. I can't raise a baby, can I? And who knows where it might end up in the adoption system. And is it even worth the risk?

I CANNOT STOP WRITING CLIFF HANGERS I AM TERRIBLY SORRY. But dangg El's got an issue on her hands. What would you do if you were her? Leave a comment below letting me know :)

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