Crazy Drunk Aunt

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A/N - Took me a while, but alas, here is the next addition to this story.

The gender of Crow is revealed in this chapter, and it is based on the vote that was held.

The gender of Crow is revealed in this chapter, and it is based on the vote that was held

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Summer POV:

It has been two months since Raven moved in with us. The few weeks were a bit difficult, with the tribe moving to our location, getting to know everyone at the tribe, and making sure they all know some ground rules, such as to not attack the wild animals while near the house, not to insult and/or harm any of the kids and most of all, to not discriminate against (Y/N). At first, some didn;t agree with some of the rules, but it either took Raven threatening them or the simple sight of our cute Neko for all of them to accept.

Of course, news of the tribe moving to our area didn't slip past the public, and some of the remaining males in the world who think themselves to be a big deal decided it was a good idea to try and "win us all over". We always found it disgusting that they saw us as a prize that can be won, and whenever they tried to do so we would push them away, Unfurtunatly, they never listened and would always keep pushing, sometimes getting to the point of sexual harrasment, thinking that they are above the law. It never took long before they would be running away from the area screaming profanities and curses our way, saying that they will get the police involved, however their threats never came true.

However, there were some times that we had to take care of those males. Sometimes one of the girls of the tribe found them cute enough to keep around for a longer period of time, but there was always an issue. Most of them, if not all, were racist. (Y/N) loved to spend time with the tribe, since all of the girls there loved to play games, such as tag and hide and sick with him. He especially liked to spend time with Raven's second in command, Vernal, whom he saw as another older sister.

Due to his time in the tribe, the males that got to stay around for more than a few minutes always got a few glimpses of the neko, who walked around with innocence. However, when they saw how each and every one of the females gushed over the neko's cute behavior, said males made a grave mistake, and sometimes two for the matter. Each time they would see the Neko, they would question out loud the one question that would seal their fate, and it is happening right now with yet another wandering male.

Random Male: "Come on, you're beautiful, and I can tell that you need a real man in your life. After all, I can see the rest of the males here are just whoosies, so how about you get to experience a real man?~" He tried to flirt. His efforts caused the girl he was talking with, which surprisingly was Vernal, to giggle.

Vernal: "Really? A real man? I don't know about that. Didn't you run here after being chased by Ursa pups?" She asked, clearly teasing him over something that happened.

Random Male: "W-Well sure, but you know how Ursai work. If the pups are there, their mother is not that far away." He wiggled out of it, earning a nod and a small giggle from Vernal.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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