making it

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Hey sorry I didn't post yesterday I was busy this Thanksgiving I ate food my best friend mom kidnapped me and I went to there house but after eating most of there ramen and doing tattoos on each other she gave me back 😅 don't worry I'm not a professional but don't share needles that's for sure yeah . . . Stay safe lmao happy holidays

The man was coming back uchiki back away
Slowly into the bathroom as he heard footsteps approaching faster the man turns the corner coming in he backs to the ground under the sink curled up to hide holding his mouth to not get notice the man put up a wooden board holding it up to the high window hammering a nail in one by one

Nabi wonders what the noise is as she sits in the dark closet she grabs her photo checking it with tears in her eyes

The man walks out the restroom with just the hammer in his head he felt his pocket start to buzz he reaches in his jacket chest pocket taking out his phone  seeing a text from nabi


Brainy🧠uchi: are you ok??

Nabi🌺:I'm so scared please help me

(Brainy🧠uchi: I'm in the house where are you )

                  Nabi🌺:in closet

Nabi leaned to the closet entrance looking out she saw the man headed towards her she acted up with her hand over her mouth scared for her life feeling around the man moved over the basket he found two wires and pull finding a secret safe behind it she watched between the clothes as he unlicjed it reaching inside as he was putting it away she was studded the password glowed red

Uchiki walked out the bathroom tip toeing looking all round to be careful when he went back to see the bodies he felt sick stepping over them and headed to the closet he got down on the ground and crawled in the closet closer to nabi
"Hey are you okay?" He whispered reaching for her "are you ok , mabye . . .mabye we should call the cops before he does we'll come clean . . ."
She put a hand over his mouth and looked at the safe spit
"Wait " she slowly stood up she reached to press a button looking each time she pulls the safe open slowly uchiki was in disbelief as she took out all the money she could fit in the bag
"Oh my God that's gotta be about More than 2mil " he said then looked at her
"Okay then let's get out of here " she said he looked at the door back at the bodies then looked at the unlocked door from earlier
"The Strom cellar door the doors are bolted from the inside that could be our way out" he said
"Let's go" she said getting up and leading the way quietly before she could get inside the room the man flings it open she stood there frozen looking into his empty red eyes
He walked beside her past her exactly to the dead body he got a plastic bag and put it over zero head as the man drags zero down the hall as they both watch backing up slowly a floorboard creaks the man drops the body standing straight he held up the gun waved it slowly to where he heard the sound pointing it right at nabi he slowly puts his arm down
One loud ring and he shot the phone that was in the bag that had fallen earlier the man grabs the phone breaking it in half and walks back to the body as he draggedthe body to wherever he was going
Once he was out of sight they walk to the room that the man came out of in the first place going down as a red light glowed
You had to climb a ladder to get down so they did it looked like a storaged room filled with boxes and plants and shelves they both turn on the flashlight and start walking around looking for the door turning so many corners

From upstairs izuku was drilling something
Walking out the room he smelled something off he walks to the source of the smell nedt to the dining chair reaches down and feeling around finding a shoe as he smelled it more he puts it down and feels around finding a match to the other shoes texture
He feels a boot he picks it up sniffing that onenas well
"Hmm , hmm"
He goes back to his safe in a hurry putting in the password he opens it nervous but when he felt inside that nervousness turned into pure rage he slammed it closed and felt around the whole room yell and shouting non words

And now he knows

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