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I come to my senses I was hugging toga
"It's not your fault" she whispered in my ear over I get toga off my lap and sit her next to me but she laid on my shoulder
"Fine but I want agreements to this " I said
"Great lay em on me " nezu said
"I bring my sister and toga with me if you want to assign me a therapist my father must hand pick them for me he will decide my sessions where and what to talk about I stay for a year you will stay away from my house if that's broken I will end the deal if I don't want to do something I don't have to my clothing will be decided for me by a maid my food will be cooked by a assigned maid and allow me to have things around so I'm swear of my surroundings "

"Everyone will know you killed there classmate but charges will be dropped you will be assigned the last name of allmight and you will not harm your classmates without reason you will not kill any classmate under any circumstances"
Aizawa said then took a sip of his drink
"Great since it's early in the morning let's get you guys settled in and show you around and tomorrow you'll start " nezu spoke I snap my fingers and sis smell filled the room
"I think your nuts and after your promise to mother don't make me sick" sis said sitting next to me in a flash "I haven't broken anything I won't even speak to him" I said
"I'm going home to pack me and toga's things " sis said she kissed my cheek and I kissed hers
"I love you so take care of me " she said before leaving the house
"I'll meet you at the gate of ua at 3 pm "
I said
"Huh that's 10 minutes " nezu said I nodded I push them both out my house immediately
Toga helped me back my stuff 

10 minutes later
I was dragging luggage and a cane
With toga and sis as if we were going on vacation
"Show us the wayyy" sis said excitedly I hope this experience doesn't make her to upset toga wraps her arm around me as I walk she's probably telling me I don't need the cane but her guidance isn't the best 
"So over here is the first floor you can pick up food drinks chill area let's go to the second floor" he said and I always feel nervous on elevator
We walk out "this is the girls dorms where toga and uh what's your name" Nezu said
"Just call me histashi"sis said
I walk closer to her "you should take mother's name " I said finding it more suitable "you have to change your name I don't have to so I'll keep father glory alive while we're here do your part oni-chan don't forget what my name means" I smile and dab up my sis (ribenji means revenge)

"And the third floor is the men's dorm where toshonori will stay " nezu said making me flinch
"As for your therapist and maids will be given to you tomorrow" he said I was confused
"When I said my father to assign I said my father yk the one who raised me as a father not some stranger" I said
"Why not they work together there's only two" he said I took time to think about it but move on
"Which dorm room is mine " he said as he just kept talking I run my hand on the wall till we got to it
"Here's your key you may design your room how ever you like you room will have brail name on the side " he said and toga led my hand to where the brail was
"We're gonna go check our dorm and I'll come buy tonight darling" toga whispered in my ear I give her a kiss but she kisses me deeper once she stop kissing me I kiss her cheek forehead neck "excuse me I want a kiss" sis said pulling on my shirt I chuckle I lean down and kiss both her cheeks and she kiss both of mine I pat her head as well as they leave
To open the door I needed a passcode so I just type in 6677 with gloves on obviously I walked in putting my luggage down by the door I just spent hours walking around in a circle feeling my surroundings I found a few cameras that's cool so I broke them but finally after 7 hours of just being in this room I memorized it so I don't need my cane I'll wait for the maid tomorrow
Taking off my shirt and pants I was about to go to bed before someone knocked on the door "lets us sleep with youuu" I heard it was toga I open the door and I smelled my sister I let them both in as they just jump on my bed I shut my door and lock it

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