1: "Be On Your Own" she said...

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Chuck's POV
The silence of home...

I love it.

No one is ever home. The General is mostly at the Pentagon if not out of the country and Dani has a time consuming job with the NSA. Three of my sisters are married and in their own homes and the fourth one is divorced but living in Spain. It leaves this mansion to me. Come to think of it, I am the only constant in this house.

I'm only looking forward to two things. A large pepperoni pizza and ESPN on the General's 100" TV. That is the definition of a good night for me.

As I walked along the marble hallway towards the kitchen, I heard voices. It sounds like my parents. Why are they home? I wanted to have the whole house to myself! When they are home, they suffocate me! They try to be present parents. In my opinion they are making up for the last number of years they have messed up the others.

I considered backing away slowly when my mom stuck her head from the arched entry of the living room. "Chuck!" She screamed at me with unexplainable excitement.

That seals it! I'm stuck with them tonight.

"Mom." I smiled at her and refused to move. If anything my head is screaming run! But my feet are glued to this spot! "Hi."

She hurried towards me and wrapped her fingers around my wrist. "I'm so glad you're here! You can settle a debate between us."

Their infamous debates can go on for hours on end. The General never gives up. Dani will argue for eternity. If there's no referee, it takes days and it's annoying to have two people talking over anything you have to say.

"Ah Chuck! Good! Get over here!" The General called me over.  They sat me between them and without any regard for personal space, sandwiched me on either side of the sofa. "I think it would be constructive for you to spend your summer in an army outpost."

My mother clenched my jaw, turning me to look at her. "And I found this amazing program that you will like more than a dangerous outpost. Building affordable homes for the needy! Isn't that great honey?"

"Chuck," I turned to look at the General. "...you want a military career-"

"You want to give back, charities-"

"Are boring Dani! He can write a bloody check! He does not have to participate!"

"You suffer from a cruelty, I'll never understand!" She's now kneeling on the sofa trying to make herself taller than the General.

I slid off the sofa and they continued arguing about what I should do with my time.

Being the only child left in their care, they suffocate me with attention and worse still expect me to cross everything off on their list. Dani is big on giving back. She loves to give to charities! She believes that we have the same goals just because I have accompanied her to a few charities. As for the General, he expects me to have a military career. In every generation of the St Patrick family, there is someone who has a military career.  My older sister Renee had an extensive military career. Reina is too rebellious to fit into the military. Charle doesn't care for it and Laila is too much of a gentle creature. I enlisted but nothing eventful has happened.  Now his sights are on me.

I reached for the pamphlets on the table. I picked the one about building affordable homes in South America. If it means putting distance between me and them and I'm not going to get shot at, then yes! I'm going to South America!

"This one." I informed them.

"I win!" Dani threw it in her husband's face. "Oh Chuck!" She smothered me with kisses. "I knew you would choose me!"

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