Chapter 53: Lanai Part 2

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Gayatri's POV
"Everyone! It's uncle Chuck!" One of the guys announced and the whole group of young guys burst out laughing.

I noticed Chuck fighting off his laughter. "I thought I told you guys to hold back the uncle jokes for the night!" Chuck reprimanded them.

All of them stood up. One of them, a cute one with curly black hair and dark blue eyes approached.

"Gayatri, this is Carlitos. His mother is my eldest sister."

"We like making him feel old. This is my hostile twin, Juan."

The hostile twin who looks exactly like Carlitos didn't even smile at me.

"I'm Rehan." Another good looking one introduced himself. He kissed my cheek. He smells sweet. Why? Wait! Rehan? Like the prince!

"I didn't know you were here." Chuck spoke to him.

"Granddad said everyone must be here. So..." He smiled at me. "If you get bored of him, I'm very available."

"Rehan, don't even go there." Chuck warned him. "Where is your dad?"

"Lurking around in the dark like a bad spirit." He suddenly screamed out when Renée pulled his ear. "Mom!"

"You're the bad spirit! Go away." She pushed him. "Hi. I'm Renée. That was unfortunately my son." She gave me a hug. I will not pass off the opportunity to wrap my arms around her majesty. "The rest of my spawns. Trey, Adryan and Nas."

"It's lovely to meet you." They greeted me.


"Like Rehab said, he's lurking around somewhere. The General threatened all of us to-" she paused. "Dad said it's a get together and no one should miss it. So here we are."

"Introduce me!" A woman came running. "Introduce me! Introduce me!"

"Gayatri, this is Laila." The woman on his screen saver. She has his green eyes., "The fourth one on my father's list."

Laila threw her arms around me. "Finally we meet in person! You're so much prettier in person! Right Charle?"

"Totally." A woman with short hair shrugged. She gave me a fist bump. "I don't do the hugging shit. I'm Charle."

"I'm Gayatri."

"It's cool to meet you dude."

"You were right. She's cool!" I whispered to Chuck.

"And finally Reina." This one sent a cold chill running through me. Renée left as soon as she arrived. She has green eyes like Chuck. Hers are a bit different. She looked me over.

"Hi." She greeted me and went on her way.


"Going through some things." Chuck kissed my cheek. "Come on."

He led me through to a group of three guys.

"If it isn't the man if the hour!" A man with curly black hair approached us. "I'm Alexander. I'm Laila's husband."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Gayatri."

"I have heard a lot about you. This guy won't shut up about you." He turned. "Guys don't be rude. Introduce yourselves!"

"Rafael. I'm Charle's husband." He has a deep voice.

A man wearing a black baseball cap pretty low offered me his hand. I shook it. "I'm Reli. Renee's husband." AKA HIS MAJESTY! This is crazy! I may never wash my hand again."

"It's really wonderful to meet all of you. Chuck has said nothing about you."

"Bursted!" The One with curly hair shoved him. "But in his defense he's very private. So forgive him."

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