0.0: Prophecies & Sleeping Wolves

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When the howling subsided, the wolfbloods in the clearing took care of the nine unconscious wolfbloods. Two wolfbloods talked while looking after the nine asleep. 

"Why did no one know they entered the city ? I thought we've been keeping watch." One of the two asked in a somewhat panicked tone. 

The other beside him answered confidently, "大したことではありません。 彼らが何か知っているとは思いません。" (It is not a big deal. I doubt they know anything.) This did not calm the nerves of the other wolfblood. Not that they were prepared for this at all. 

"Not a big deal ? The prophecy isn't something so trivial to dismiss. These nine wolfbloods are something we never thought we'd see." All went quiet as they awaited the nine to awaken once more...


The prophecy was nothing that was ever told outside of Hill Stone. The very city that got its famous nickname, "The Shadow City"... Reasons unknown...

Wolfbloods used to run rampant through the city as they gave into their instincts, integrated into society, or completely felt it best to shut themselves off from everything that they didn't deem worth anything. 

Hill Stone over nearly a millennia ago was quote-on-quote regarded as the "Progressive Capital City", had been progressing in the sense that the wolfbloods were accepted & allowed to be exactly as they were.

Nonetheless, there is a prophecy that stopped being passed down between wolfblood families as wolfbloods left the inner city for the outskirts.

The prophecy told of a pack of wolves or rather wolfbloods that exceed the three wolfblood types. These wolves of legend are supposedly more connected to the moon & their mere presence imbues stones with the power of the moon. Thus making fully functional moonstones for the wolves of legend. 

The wolfbloods of prophecy are basically gods over the other types. With powered moonstones & changes never disclosed...

What makes these wolfbloods so different from their wolf kin of all types in Hill Stone ? Why did this prophecy fall onto them ?

Back In The Present

"なんでそんなに興奮するんですか? 意識がありません。 彼らのうち9人は現在何もできません。" (Why are you so agitated ? They are unconscious. The nine of them can't do anything at the moment.) The one said as he wasn't too concerned.

The wolfblood beside the other rolled their eyes. "Why aren't you more on edge ? Do you not remember ?" Surely this would spark a different conversation. No wolfblood wished to relish in the old rumors that the wolfbloods of prophecy descended from a sadistic moon god called Watanabe Enmei

"おっしゃることは分かります。 彼らが月の神と強いつながりを持っているとは思いません。" (I know what you're referring to. I doubt they have a strong connection with the moon god.) Enmei' story was nothing any wolfblood wanted to relive. Especially if the prophecy was beginning to come to fruition.

- マーク·オブ·ザ·ムーンです - (Mark Of The Moon) | &TEAM FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now