A Funny Smell

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A week passed without any word from Jate.

                Siya continued to run morning patrol with Eio and had met with almost all of the former Lambda pack, giving assignments to a majority of the newcomers. As the wolves began to intermingle, tensions slowly eased as the packs became more acquainted with each other.

                For the past week, Siya had managed to avoid Jate. It was childish, but the alpha couldn't bring herself to face him after the rejection she delivered. Thankfully, it seemed Jate was avoiding her as well, and the two only crossed paths once during breakfast.

                Jate merely nodded respectfully to his alpha. Siya tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach and heat bubbling up in her cheeks.

                Siya hadn't spoken a word about it to anyone, yet her beta picked up on her stress—unsurprisingly. He was no stranger to interrogation whenever Siya bottled up her emotions. Despite Renald's persistence, Siya refused to confide in him.

                "I'm merely trying to help ease your mind of whatever is bothering it." Renald urged. He sat on the edge of her bed, gently running his fingers through her hair. Siya stretched out, eyes closed, enjoying the feel of his fingers, but hating the sound of his voice.

                "It's nothing, Renald, I told you."

                "I can feel your stress; why won't you share?" He frowned slightly, growing personally offended by her lack of communication.

                "Because it's nothing, Renald."

                He sighed, clearly not content with her answer. "If you won't tell me what it is, can you at least tell me how to help?"

                "There is no way of helping."

                "So there is something?" He pushed.

                Siya's eyes snapped open, darting a glare in his direction. Renald chuckled, but let the conversation fall into silence. He continued to run his fingers through her hair slowly, but as time passed on, Siya began to grow uncomfortable.

                His touch felt wrong. As if he was attempting to pull the words out of Siya. Gentle, but urging. Soft, but pushy.

                Siya pulled away sharply. Her eyes focused anywhere but on Renald's curious expression. She shook her head softly, and that was enough of a signal for Renald to leave the room—but not without one last worried look.

                It was impossible to explain, but Siya was not comfortable with her beta in her bedroom. There was something wrong. He wasn't her mate—yet she'd let him in, let him touch her, as if he was. It shouldn't matter; she trusted Renald more than anyone, but it was wrong.

                Taking in a deep breath, Siya rubbed her eyes with exhaustion.

                Exhaustion had been following her like her shadow for the past few days. Regardless of her activities, she felt her energy draining from her slowly. Her patrols dragged on, her training left her muscles straining, yet sleep never seemed to come.

                Siya was just about to attempt another nap when a knock came to her door.


                The door opened. Five wolves followed in.

                Siya lost her voice at the site of the final one.

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