interesting...(part 1/???)

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oh you still read this?
Ok then...
Let just go straight to the point

Character(for now)


y/n pov

{In y/n mind: finally the elevator arrived}

y/n then exit the elevator to the room like waiting area,y/n see other scientist talking to each,y/n proced to sit on sofa.

???: I never see you around here are you new?

y/n: yes, yes i am

James: Oh cool btw im James

y/n: hello James my name y/n

James: you seem confuse are Cindy don't inform any tour guide or something.

y/n: no she just give this keycard and nothing else

James: if you want i can be your tour guide or something like that

y/n: thanks

James: your welcome

~y/n then follow james and bla BLA BLA im to lazy so time skip~

y/n: oh wow this place is interesting

James: well it is if the power stop shutting down at random moment

As James saying that sudenly light Flicker and turn of completely

James: bruh why(James groan)

y/n: so what are we gonna do now?

James: well we can go to cafetaria or garden if you like because that was the safest place in this damn facility

y/n: ok then... I just go to the cafetaria bye James

James: wait you need this

y/n: a bat? What is this for

James:for safety measure

y/n: ok thank you again

James pov

{In James mind: Well that person is rather nice i hope he alright}

James then stumble something and fall face flat

{In james mind: why im so clumsy, wait the minute is that a tail}

James: oh my im dead aren't i

The tail he stumble to is a panther tail, panther is a antrophobic animal like cat, the fur color is usually black and his eye are yellow usually red if anggry and this panther is anggry because someone step on its tail

That panther then grab James at the neck in proceed to strangle him

James then free himself and run to the garden

Meanwhile with Cindy

Cindy: man this work is tiring especially the Karen (Cindy muttered)

{ In Cindy mind: time to take a brea- and the the damn Karen is back can somebody get her in prison or something}


Im to tired right now so it Will continue soon ok?

🍪and here a cookie again🍪

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