can i get yo number?

379 11 6

Mariana's POV:

The next game of rating 1-10 starts and of course when it's ddot's turn he just dose what he did before, as hes at the top of the line he just gose " 0000000000" rating every girl a 0 until he gets to me, "nah she broke my scale fr.. " he says staring at me I just give a smile and everyone else gose, and ofc courses when it's my turn and blah blah blah I get to ddot, " ima give u a 50/10 handsome " I say lookin at Notti as his friends dab him up and he smiles non stop, soon he game ended and everyone was just chillin, but I didn't really know any one there

So I gave notticuz a hug and told him I was gonna head out. But as I was grabbing my stuff ddot comes up to me..

Ddot's POV:
god damn noticuz's cousin is Geourgous... I think to my self as I watch her. After the games I was smoking with dd and some other people when I see Marianna getting her stuff to leave but I still ain't go ha number, I ran over to her and tapped her shoulder, she stands up fully and looks at me

"yo ma, you leaving so soon? " I ask as she grabbes her purse and turns to me "yes I don't really know anyone here and it got boring tho so.. " she says trailing off... "You know I was serious earlier right.. You deadass beautiful " I say lookin her up and down as she hides her face in embarrassment smiling, "don't hide ya face ma.. I was also serious about getting you're number. If you don't mind" I say making eye contact with her, I pulled my phone out and hold's it out for her,

She take it Outta my hands and puts in her number, saving the contact, I then change the name to " Mariana 😍💞😤"

She lookes hesatint to do something but beifte leaving she grabes my face and kisses my cheek... "Thanks for the complaint" she says smiling before walking out... I was cheesin hard I'm not gonna lie but damn.. She was fine and had a fat ass.. I scored on this one.

Mariana's POV:
I walk out the place cheesin mad hardd he was mad finee, I left the building and hopped in my car, driving back home.

I got home 10 minutes later and got out, locking the doors and headed inside. I was alone right now since my mom was on a trip.

As soon as I walked into the house I flopped down onto my bed and got undressed, and into my red psd's and a big white tshirt.

It was still pretty early 3:07 so I decided to just chill, I pulled out a blunt and started smoking it.

And playing music on my speaker.

I did this for about 49 minutes and I was in the cloudsssssss

I then gotta text from an unknown number.
So I decided to answer it thinking it' would be rude to ignore it.

Unknown number: yoo is this Mariana??
Me: depends
Unknown number: it's ddot dic
Me: ohh, wsg
You Saved unknown number: to - dippin dots 😮‍💨🥰

Dippin dots saved unknown number: to - Mariana 🤞🏼💕

Dippin dots😮‍💨🥰: Nm on the block, I'm tryna see u tho...come slide.

Mariana🤞🏼💕: ight bet send me the lo
Dippin dots😮‍💨🥰: *one attachment*
Dippin dots😮‍💨🥰: hurry up ma
Mariana🤞🏼💕: I'm goin nigga gimme a moment
Dippin dots😮‍💨🥰: yo who u talkin to like that 😒

Mariana🤞🏼💕: I'm talkin to youuuu niggaaa
Dippin dots 😮‍💨🥰: keep that same energy.

Mariana🤞🏼💕 reacted to 'keep that same energy.' - 👍🏼

Text over.

I put out my blunt and sat up, just throwing on some black sweats over my psd's and traided my big what t shirt for a white noodle strap crop top.

And grabbed my phone, lip gloss and put on some braclets.

I decided I wanted to take my hair down because I wasn't jackin it with this outfit.

I just took it down and put some oil in it making it curly and long, then grabbed all my stuff and headed out. I wanted to walk instead of driving because it was only a 3 minute walk so it was nothin fr.

I texted ddot to tell him I was on my way and he replied with an 'ok'

I got to the place and saw ddot with a bunch of outher people so I walked up to them, when ddot saw me he handed the blunt he was smoking to one of his friends and walked up to me giving me a hug.

"Wsg ma, I missed u" he says breaking the hug as me and him both walk back to his friends and I sit down on one of the steps

"Boy I just saw you like not even an hour ago" I say looking at ddot who just rolled his eyes

Sassy 🙌🏽

"Oh shit, y'all this is Mariana. She's noti's lil cousin, Mariana this is edot,dd, notti, jay, and dudelyo"

Ddot says pointing at each of them. I just give them all a light smile and they all said wsp, or hi.

We all just chilled for a bit, and smoked weed. I was even more high now.

I was leaning on ddot's shoulder since he sat down next to me.

"Ma, u wanna spend the night at mine? It's gettin late and u look high asl" he says looking at me slightly.

I just nod my head because I'm wayy to high to even produce words right now he just chuckled and stud up, lifting me up with him, and lifts me up signaling for me to put my legs around his waist, and I do so and he holds me. as he says bye to everyone and me and him head inside if the building that we were next to.

He leads me inside, and I can hear him talking to someone but im not quite listening. He walks up the stairs and I'm guessing into his room.

He lays me down on the bed and takes his hoodie and shirt off, then his pants but he had shorts on under, I sit up and pull out my phone, going on Instagram and just scrolling, that is until ddot snatches my phone outta my hand.

"Gimme my phone dic" I say standing up trying to reach my phone but of course I couldn't reach it since he was holding it up in the air.

"Nah what was all the shit u was talkin over text earlier" he says still holding onto my phone "u ain't gon do nothing nigga now give me my shit ba-" I was cut off my him literally choking me!!? He throws my phone somewhere on the bed then pushes me onto the bed.

Hovering over me, hand still on my neck "stop playin with me dic" he softly whispers in my ear, we make eye contact for what feels like hours and hours and hours before I just go in for it. Shii now or never

I grabbed his face and leaned up kissing him softly. He almost immediately kissed back, moving his hands from my neck, down to my waist holding it still.

I stud up from the bed still kissing him, as he lifts me up and I put my legs around his waist, I break the kiss to catch some air cause gah damn.

He then sits down on the bed, me still in his lap straddling him, and he goes back in kissing me agin, he squeeze's my hips a little witch makes me open my mouth as he slides his toung in making me groan into the kiss, as his toung is going threw my whole mouth.

After like 8 minutes I pull away, biting his lip as I do, both if us breathing heavily as his thumb's stroke my sides. And mine on his face.

I just smile lightly and get off his lap, laying down on his bed, getting comfortable, he lays down aswell and lays on his back, and I lay on his shoulder, my arm laying across his chest and one of his resting in my butt

The outher beside him, and we both drift off to sleep.

And boooom! 1423 words I hope y'all enjoyed!! Love uuu 💕🤞🏼🤍

And also please vote!! Helps a lot! Thank uuu 💕

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