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Mariana's POV:

I woke up to ddots light snors and the sound of my phone dinging. I was laying on his chest completely and he had both of his hands on my butt.

I tried to slowly sit up but he held me down, pulling me back down onto him and wrapping his hands around my back.

"Ddot I gotta use the bathroom.. And get up" I said tapping his waist. He just hums lightly, "lay back down mama 5 more minutes" he says his eyes very lowly open.

Sigh childish ass. I layed back down on him but pushed myself up more, now laying on his neck kindof. And feel back asleep.

I woke up to ddot moving around under me, I got up and rubbed my face then got off his lap since he was still laying down his eyes were just open and he was awake now.

I went into his bathroom, closing the door then I used the bathroom. I finished and wiped, then got up flushing and washing my hands. I opened the door as I was drying my hands and ddot was sat on his bed on his phone, I opened his canbnet and saw a pack of fresh toothbrush's. I grabbed a white one and started brushing my teeth, putting water first, then toothpaste, then water agin and brushed my teeth.

If u don't put water on ur toothbrush before and after u put the toothpaste on u fuckin weird 😭 it's dawn 2023 how df.

Ddot came in the bathroom and did the same thing, his chest was pressed against my back and he had one of his hands around my waist pulling he closer


We both finished 5 minutes later and I washed my face off, I sat down on his bed going on my phone scrolling threw insta and snapping people back on Snapchat.

Ddot came back into the room, I didn't really notice it since I was focused on the nail video I was watching on Instagram by my nail tech.

Until this bitch snatched my shit outta my hand and lifted it in the air "ddot gimmie my shit back" I say standing on my tippy toes tryna reach it but he giant ass too tall.

He just stared down at me with a blank expression "bro im serious gimmie my phone back" I winned pushing him back a little

His face turned from blank to mugging me quickly, he threw my phone on the bed and got closer to me so that he was hovering over me still mugging me

"Stop fuckin playin with me Mariana Ian ya bro" he said containing eye contact, matter a fact lemme mess with him a lil since he wanna snatch people shit out they hands

"But u my broo u gang ? What u mea- " he grabbed my neck and slammed me onto the bed and got on top of me, he squeezed my neck a little witch hurt since he already had a tight hold on my neck. I should be mad right but but it's kinda turning me on..

"Say that bs again.. Ian hear u" he whispers on my ear witch just makes the situation for me worse, I just shake my head no but he tightens his grip more making me groan.

"Words mama" I mumble a no and he losens his grip on my neck, I already know it was red at this point and probably a little brused, I didn't feel it really tho.

I'm guessing it was and he saw it because he was staring at my neck and his face soffend. He lightly turned my head to the side to get a better look at it, then I felt him kissing my neck, tracing his hand print.

"I'm sorry mama Ian mean to do that" he mumbles kissing from my neck to up my jaw line, I grab his face and kiss him he kisses back and we just sit there for a little until I pulled away and sat up making him to the same. "Ima head home" I say standing up fixing my sweat pants and shirt but ddot pulled me right back down onto his lap since he was still sitting on the bed.

"Stay for a while ma" he says kissing my shoulder I winne a little "but I need to go home and take a shower and get dressed ddot. I'll come right back over after ok?" I say looking at him and he rolls his eyes "ight ma" and Taps my thigh twice so I stand up and grab my phone and shoes, putting my shoes back on

He walks me down stairs and to the door, I give him and hug and leave the place. And started walking back to my house.

Short? Very. Just wanted to get this chapter out real quick since I haven't updated in months. My bad<3
828 words my luvv's🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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