Chapter Five

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"so what's up with you and Mr.Quiff guy over there?" tom asked, smiling. I giggled, digging a hole into the sand. "he's my" i sighed "boyfriend" I stretched out my legs that had fallen asleep and laid back on my elbows. "Don't seem like you're very happy, what's up?" he asked, sliding a bit closer to me. 

I started to get nervous, I dont really like telling people about our relationship. "I-I-it's getting a bit warm eh? i think ima get in the water, see ya" I faked a smile before running to the group of people in the water. "hey guys" i smiled at lauren, jack, zayn and the rest of the people that i didn't know. "come with me" zayn said reaching out for my hand, I grabbed his and started walking. 

"Perrie" Zayn said breaking the awkward silence after 5 minutes. "yeah?" i asked looking up at him, squinting. "what are you're feelings towards me right now?" he asked not looking up from the ground. 

"Zayn, I lo-"

"Perrie, I truly am sorry. Sorry for everything, i've always been a complete dick to you since we first started dating, but i was always afraid to lose you. I know what happened when we first started dating really broke you're heart and i truly am sorry perrie" he stopped, standing in front of me, grabbing my free hand into his. I stood there remembering what had happened. It really did kill me, but the past is the past. 

"I'm sorry" he pulled me in closer, and whispered into my ear. "Zayn I love you" i looked up smiling. "so we're okay?" his eyes lit up. I giggled "yes" he lifted my up, spinning me around. "zayn put me down! this isn't a corny love movie where we make up and you all of a sudden spin me around!" i laughed, softly hitting his back. 

"shut up" he playfully hit my arm. I wrapped my arm around him. 

I don't know if this is an act, but i'll try and see if this will last long. 

I started laughing, "what's so funny?" zayn asked confused. "you're scared of the water right?" i asked looking up at him. "um, yeah" I pushed him into the water and quickly ran to the house. "i'm gonna kill you perrie!" zayn yelled running after me. "you'll have to catch me first" i laughed running up the steps with zayn hot on my heels. 

I ran into the living room, tripping on the carpet. I laid on the ground laughing as zayn laid on top of me. "guess i caught you" he smiled. I grabbed his face pulling him in closer. 

"hey hey, get a room!" a girl with beautiful long dark hair came in smiling at us. I pushed zayn off me getting up. "Hi, i'm Perrie" i smiled at her. "Camila" she smiled back. We all sat on the couch. "so are you two?" "dating? yeah" i quickly said. Zayn's head quickly turned to me then back at Camila, "you have a lovely smile Camila" 


I was starting to get annoyed, she's not even funny. Maybe the faces she makes but other than that she's not. I don't quite see why Zayn keeps laughing at this. I stood up from the couch "well i'm going upstairs to shower" I said before running up the stairs. 

"Oh my gosh" i said shutting the door quickly "i'm so so so sorry" I blushed at the fact that i had just walked in on Tom naked in the bathroom. The door opened a few seconds after, revealing Tom Shirtless and in gray sweats, "it's my fault for leaving the door unlocked" he laughed "liked what you saw?" he winked at me. "Of course i did" I playfully said winking back. 

"Oh really" he said pulling me into the bathroom. "w-what are you doing?" my eyes opened wide. His lips smashed onto mine, I pushed him back as hard as i could "do you not know the things Zayn could do to you if he found out about this?" i nervously said walking back and fourth.

"just go" i opened the door. I watched him as he left. I can't lie I liked it, but for his safety, I dont quite think anything should happen between us. I dont even think i want anything to happen between "us".


I got out the shower and quickly put on shorts and one of Zayns T-shirts. I walked over to the stairs, "Zayn can you please come up" I yelled  "wait i'm talking to camila" he responded. "i don't care just come up please!" i harshly said. I walked back to the room waiting for him. 

"i was talking to someone you do know that?" zayn said, walking in smiling. "I dont care" i laughed sitting up on the bed. "come here" i bit my lip. 

*Zayn's POV* 

I walked towards her standing between her legs. "you look so hot in my T-shirt" i smirked, "even better off" i winked. Perrie's cheeks became red. "i bet" she said wrapping her arms around me, and laying her head on my chest.  

"i'm serious" i whispered. I grabbed the end of my "cool kids don't dance" shirt and took it off of her.

*Perrie's POV* 

I wrapped my arms around zayns neck, pushing him back, on top of me. "z-zayn" i stuttered, cold fingers ran up the side of my thighs taking a hold of my underwear and shorts. "Don't worry, I wont go rough this time" he laughed, placing a kiss on my forehead. I smiled rolling my eyes.

I ran my fingers through Zayn's hair, as he place soft kisses on my thighs. I covered my face with my hands giggling. "what's so funny?" he asked, moving up to look at me. "nothing, nothing keep on" I smirked. 

"what  happened between you and tom Perrie?" he asked, leaning over me. "nothing, why?" i raised my eyebrows. 

wait does he know?

"I overheard him talking to Jack and he said you've seen him naked and that you guys kissed" I was starting to get a bit nervous, what if he does something stupid? Zayn can't control himself. Not even if i say anything. "I accidental walked in on him in the bathroom, but that's all we never kissed he's a liar." i quickly said.

Lies, lies, and more lies. 

Can we just talk like a normal couple?

Without the fear of you doing something?

Deep down I know you care, 

Deep down there's a sweet, loving boy. 

But deep down there's a Evil boy,

An evil boy who wants revenge.

An evil boy who regrets things. 

Most important,

An evil boy I had fallen in love with. 


HI HI HI HI HI !!!!!! okay, please comment and tell if this one was good or not? i don't quite know.. haha but what do you guys think it was that happened before in their relationship? comment what you think! 

BTW thanks for voting babesssssssss x 

and sorry i took forever to update, and i may update again tomorrow or Sunday idk since I'm going to my cousins house so please don't get mad if i don't update soon - c:

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