Arget Sundava (Andlátkyn) And Emotion

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The sickle is first and I like to think it looks decent enough, but I'm adding my extremely spoilery sketches of Cicállaé because this would otherwise be a painfully short chapter. You're welcome to skip if you don't want spoilers!

 You're welcome to skip if you don't want spoilers!

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And now the treeskeleton!
Starting with Bushmare.

And now the treeskeleton!Starting with Bushmare

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And now more legitimately.

There's something incredibly satisfying to me about drawing them

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There's something incredibly satisfying to me about drawing them.

There's something incredibly satisfying to me about drawing them

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And something even more spoilery.

And something even more spoilery

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Now for the individual brothers.

Now for the individual brothers

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As you can see, the tentacles are a mess

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As you can see, the tentacles are a mess.

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