So it goes...

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Lily's POV
It was finally lunch so me and Kira could finally just sit and talk by ourselves for a while. Recently we've been having lunch outside on one of the fields near the school as it is summer so it's really nice and hot  and I'm just telling her about how I may have kinda outed myself to Mrs Wilson
"Well this is good news, isn't it?" Kira asked me nervously. I'm surprised this is her response
"What? Of course not what if she finds out and then outs me to CPS?" I replied
"But it's better than you being hurt by your mom and god knows who else and coming to school with bruises almost every day" she noticed my looks and said "Look, lily, all I'm trying to say is I want what's best for you and what if she put you in hospital one day I just don't think I could handle it."
"I know Kira but it's not what's best for me as it'll become a vicious cycle of me just being handed off to a bunch of foster families only for them to beat me up and do terrible things to me just like my mom is now."
"Ok I guess we can keep doing this, for now" she replied
"Ok, good, thanks Kiz" I thanked her and just as we started talking about our other lesson we had next that we were in together and another one of my favourites (history) the bell rang.

As we walked into our 4th lesson me and Kira took our usual seats at the back (yet again) as we just really don't like being at the front with all eyes on us, especially me, as I have way too much to hide that only my bestie can know. Good news though is that this class is taught by another one of mine and Kira's (well pretty much everyone's) favourite teacher, Mrs Baskerville.

POV : Mrs Baskerville
I'm ready for my 4th history class of the day now since spending lunch with my sweetheart, it's so convenient us working together and teaching quite similar subjects. One of my students in this class is raising some concern recently but I'm ignoring what I've heard as teachers who don't even know or teach her are gossiping about her and not in a very nice or respectful manner, plus I'm not a huge fan of negative gossip aimed at staff or students in the school. So I'm just putting up some tasks when I notice a bluish bruise on lily Walters arm as her sleeve slightly goes up but I'm trying not to think the worst.

Lily's POV
This must be a new record, two teachers noticing my slight bruises (the smaller ones, luckily) in one day. As I catch mrs Baskerville looking in my direction, to my surprise Kira rolls it up for me and we try to act all nonchalant whilst getting back to our work and I slightly thank her and she gives me the quick 'no problem' look. However, I wasn't surprised at all when Mrs Baskerville said she wanted to see me after class as well but what was surprising was that she had a similar determined look to Mrs Wilson but I shrug it off and walk over to her once everyone else leaves the room and after saying goodbye to Kira and that I'll text her after school.
"Hi, lily" she said
"Hi, so what's this really about?" I asked
"Did I really see what I thought I saw earlier?"
"Wow, you really like to get straight to the point, don't you miss"
"Lily, please don't deflect"
"Oh miss, how you see right through me" I said just a little sarcastic but it clearly wasn't gonna work
"Come on lily, you know you can tell me"
I knew I'd have to come up with something good and it was common knowledge that 3 nights a week I worked as a waitress so I said "alright, alright, I'll tell you. I just got a bit bruised up at work when I tripped over that's all" I mean it was partly true as I did trip at work the other day but it's just not what actually caused the bruises.
"Ok lily, I'm glad and your free to go to your next lesson now just try not to let these bumps and bruises be a regular occurrence ok"
"Yes, course miss, sorry for worrying you"
"No, it's ok" she said
"Ok, bye miss" I said as I headed out the classroom to my final lesson but why do I get the feeling that she still has her suspicions I just hope she didn't catch on to me too much. If my mom ever got a call from the school with even the smallest hint that something was wrong I would be done for.

As the bell did it's final ring I was relieved that school was over but terrified of going home and I considered going back to Kira's for the night as she and her mom never mind me staying over but I can't always be a bother so I just walked the couple of blocks it takes to get home and as soon as my shaking hand opened the door to the apartment I was instantly hit with the smell of smoke and booze which meant that my mom would be high and drunk and with at least one or two guys. As soon as I had almost made it to my room to do homework my mom made her presence known

"Oi, you, where have u been all this damn time" she yelled while slurring
"At school mom" I said as though it were obvious "how Dare U speak to Me like That you ungrateful little b*tch" and she came and slammed me up against the wall whilst having me in choke hold
"Mom - please - I've done all - the chores. J-just not - tonight" I begged and gasped in between chokes
"NO WAY, your not getting away that easy. Since I wish you'd never even been BORN you may as well be put to good use you fucking SLUT" she stopped the choke hold but kept banging me up against the wall until I felt a lot of pain and blood and eventually dropped me as I gasped for air.
She kept kicking and punching me on the floor as though I was a piece of rubbish and I could feel the glass on the floor from our dirty house and her party sliding up against my body until...
"ROBERT" she yelled. He was one of the worst and as he came in tears rolled down my face as I begged her "stop, please mommy" I cried but she only looked down on me with disgust and hatred and then Robert came into the room and started looking at me with a terrifying sparkle and greedily smiling.
"Ooo, how can I play with her today?" He licked his lips. My so called mother licked his lips as well whilst he gave her money and as soon as he gave her the money she promised "However you want, baby". She then bent down to my level and whispered that I didn't deserve any happiness and left. "No mom, no, stop, please please DON'T LEAVE ME" I yelled and begged for her but that never saved me before why would it now? As Robert carried me and chained me to my bed whilst he disgustingly came into me for hours and at some point I fell unconscious.

As soon as I woke up the chains had gone and Robert had left me here broken and bleeding all over my bed only in my bra and underwear like some sort of prostitute and I started crying for what felt like hours. I knew that this was the worst battering I've ever had in my entire life of being abused by my mother. As I stopped crying I was in a world full of pain as I slowly crawled to my adjoining shower because I needed to feel clean again after that millionth horrific assault experience and really melted into the warmth and peace of my shower but it still didn't stop me from sobbing even as I got into my pyjamas and texted Kira for a few hours. However all the tears had finally gone as I did all my homework and tossed and turned all night as my eyes refused to close because I was already having new flashbacks which I could add to the many other ones. All I needed to do was forget this experience and to only think of these experiences in private
I am determined and have made a promise too myself to only let this shitty home life affect me at home, nowhere else.

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