True horrors

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Lily's POV
It was finally lunch which means I'm finally with Kira again as my first 3 entire lessons were without her. We're just at the field talking when Kira suggests something "I know how we can lift your spirits Lily, you can play the piano in the piano room and sing with me because you're really good and the room isn't booked this lunchtime"
"I don't know Kira, what if someone hears us?, you know how shy and awkward I feel about my singing and music"
"What if someone hears your amazing voice, you mean? Your so good lily you shouldn't be shy about that. I mean, I think I'm ok but not as great as you are"
"Ha, yeh right Kira" I said, sarcastic "you're the best at music in this school and we both know it but anyway, yes I guess we can go play"
10 minutes later -
"Ok, ok how about you play must've been the wind on the piano and I'll sing?" I decided after 5 minutes of being in the piano room
"Finally, I thought you'd never choose but yes you do play that one quite a lot I think I've got it down" Kira replied
"Ok, let's do it" I said excitedly. "In 3-2-1..."

(Here is the song if you've never heard it before)

Danielle's POV
It was ten minutes before the bell goes and Gemma and I were just heading out of the music block to our next classes when I stopped suddenly.
"What is it, babe?" Gemma whispered
"Do you hear that noise? It sounds a bit like singing" I asked her and she seemed to agree but when we headed toward the noise and slightly peeked through a music room door, I wasn't expecting to see lily singing the last couple of lyrics to a song so beautifully, like the voice of an angel and Kira playing the piano just as well.
As they finished playing the song tears were flowing down my face and Gemma looked in even worse of a state. As I cleared my throat and wiped away any remaining tears I told Gemma "Honey, they-they've got you next, you mi-might want to get ready for your next class." All she could manage was a slight nod and I whispered to assure her we'd talk at home. As soon as she was out of sight I silently sobbed for a few minutes before gathering myself. Then I quietly knocked on the door so I wouldn't spook them and told them they should probably head to their next class as the bell was about to go. As they started to pack up and I headed out I couldn't help but think that 'Our suspicions were right and we need to find out what's happening to Lily.'

Lily's POV
Me and Kira were in a state once we'd finished the song and we were almost on the verge of tears. But then we heard a knock so I wiped the last few tears and croakily said "come in".
"Hi girls, just wanted to let you know the bell is about to go soon so you should probably head to your next lesson" mrs Baskerville told us and then headed out herself.
As we packed up the bell did ring and as we were heading to our next class Kira asked "didn't you totally forget we were at school? Like, it just felt as though we were in our own world, didn't it?"
"Yeah" I replied "sometimes I wish I was" I whispered more to myself than anyone else but I'm pretty sure Kira heard.

Surprisingly, when me and Kira walked into class to take our seats we noticed that Mrs Wilson wasn't there yet which was weird because she's never usually late in fact I thought we'd get in trouble for being a bit late. When Kira asked Charlotte, a student in the row in front of ours "what's going on? Why isn't miss here yet?" Charlotte just shrugged and said she wasn't sure. The class continued to chat for another 5 minutes before we went silent as we heard the door open and saw Mrs Wilson who apologised for being late and said she was at a meeting that went a bit longer than expected but it didn't seem like she was telling the full truth and I think it was only me and Kira who noticed her eyes looked a bit red and gave each other a knowing look but then Mrs Wilson gave us our first task and everything went back to normal but I couldn't help but wonder what had gotten mrs Wilson into such a frazzled state that only the most observant of us could notice.

As soon as the bell rang for our last lesson mrs Wilson dismissed us but she usually makes us wait a bit longer, something was definitely up so I told Kira I would see her at our last lesson and waited until the rest of the class had left before approaching her.
"Hi miss" I started
She turned around and seemed surprised before saying "Shouldn't you be heading to your next class Lily?"
"Meh, it's only P.E" she chuckled at that and then I asked "are you alright miss? It-It's just y-you seemed a bit upset earlier" She seemed annoyed so I flinched away a bit and quickly added "it's okay, you don't have to say anything"
She seemed to notice the flinch as she looked nice again after that and said "No, it's ok... It's just that I'm worried about something"
Before I could stop myself I asked "what is it?"
"Are you sure you want to know?" She asked and I nodded "yes, I'm sure" with a hint of a smile
She replied "Hmm... well, it's about a girl in one of my classes. Usually, she's so bright and cheerful and doesn't hesitate to answer questions in my classroom and although she's still getting A's in my class and is still really intelligent recently I've noticed that she's been distancing herself and she gets this lost look in her eyes as though she doesn't know why she's still here. She never really seems as passionate about my class at the moment and she doesn't have that cheerful look or the confidence and enthusiasm anymore, almost as though all of it was taken from her and worst of all, out of the corner of my eye, I've even noticed her flinching many times, sometimes even just at a loud noise of a student sitting by her and, you see, that's what worries me about her. So, do you have any advice?" She genuinely asked me as though she hadn't just described me in an immense amount of detail.

Gemma's POV
As soon as the words all poured out I immediately regretted saying them to lily and wanted to take them all back. Her face told it all. She seemed shocked and confused and surprised and frustrated all at the same time. After a few minutes of waiting I was about to ask her again until she wiped the shocked look off of her face and tears rolled down instead as she told me "Well, if it were me and it's not but if I were that student... sh-she probably wouldn't want to feel embarrassed or as though she were a bur-burden by coming to anyone and, whoever she may be, she's prob-probably changed so much because she can't sleep at night because she's been through horrors, true horrors over the past year one could scarcely imagine. Sh-she's probably afraid to breathe as e-even when she does that she feels like she's taking up too much space in other people's lives and t-t-too scared to sleep because every time she tries she's plagued by the nightmares but that's nothing compared to when she wakes and she might hear the noises, the noises that twist her heart and fill it with anxiety and fear that the ones she's supposed to feel the most safe around are about to cause her the most harm and pain. Sh-she's probably thinking that death and dying would be less painful than the cycle and horrors she's going through now, the pain that's happening to her."

At this point Lily was crying her heart out but turned around so I couldn't see. And before I could stop myself I walked up to her and turned her round to face me so I could hug her.
After a while of leaning into me her sobs subsided and she started to calm down and she let go of me and said "I-I don't even know why I was crying and being so dramatic anyways cuz it's not like she is me" and she chuckled as though it was fine but it was actually far from fine because I did mean her but I can't let her know that yet so I just replied "well what you were telling me was emotional so it's a perfectly normal reaction really"
"Oh, ok, well thanks miss" and after saying it she came up to me and hugged me again and said it was "just to make sure your ok as well then" I chuckled at that as it's ironic because if anything she's the one I'm worried about. "What?" She asked me
"Oh it's nothing but you should probably get going now, I mean I'm on a free but your really late to P.E but don't worry I'll tell them it's because of me" I smiled at her
"Thanks miss" she said and smiled back at me before closing the door and leaving. A huge part of me thinks that I shouldn't have let her walk out of the door.

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