A Passionate licking

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By how much he's telling me-how much he needs me to hear it. How much he cares about me.
All I can do is kiss him again, pulling him as close to me as I can physically manage with how tightly we're sitting together. His arms wrap around me even tighter, pulling me against him until my legs tangle themselves around his waist and his erection rubs against me in such a sensual and intimate way that my breath hitches in my throat.

He pulls away again just enough for us to breathe, and smiles as if he knew I couldn't stand it anymore.
"Do you trust me, Grace?"
I swallow thickly and nod. "Yes. Yes, I do."
I see relief flash through his eyes.
I kiss him again, letting go of him just long enough to pull the dress off over my head, tossing it aside as I fall onto the bed, landing hard on my stomach, my head hitting the mattress with an audible thud. He kneels at my side and grasps my chin in his hand, tilting my head so I have to look him directly in the eye as he slides his fingertips beneath the lace bra and slowly lifts my chest so he can remove it completely. I gasp, arching my back, and let him slide the straps of my bra down my shoulders.

My breathing becomes uneven and shallow. I don't know whether he can see exactly how aroused I am; I sure hope not. But if he does, he doesn't seem to mind, because he leans forward and starts nibbling on my collar bone.
His hand travels lower and lower until he's cupping one of my breasts. He begins rubbing circles over the hardened nipple through the fabric of my shirt. I arch my back a bit further, arching even higher off of the bed in surprise when I hear another moan escape my lips.
When he notices my reaction, he smirks.
"Is that a yes?"
"It is, indeed," I groan softly.
I see his smirk widen and can already feel myself starting to get excited. He leans forward, his eyes locked onto mine, and he brushes his nose against mine, whispering huskily in my ear.
"Good," he whispers before trailing hot open mouthed kisses down the length of my neck. I moan loudly again as his tongue gently grazes over my collarbone and then travels down the valley between my breasts until finally reaching my navel, grazing it gently with his teeth.
He moves back up to my lips, but instead of connecting them, he lowers himself onto his knees, still hovering above me, and trails his hands downward, pausing briefly at the juncture between my thighs. My body automatically parts slightly, as his lips begin sucking on my swollen clit.
"I want you," he pants, his warm breath fanning my exposed flesh, sending waves of heat coursing through my veins. "Fuck yourself for me."
The urgency in his voice is evident, and I can' hold it back any longer. I grab onto his shoulders, gripping them tightly and yanking his head down to mine as my whole body erupts with pleasure.
It's been too long since I last let myself be selfish. Since I let my feelings guide my actions. I can't help thinking, when my hips start moving instinctively with his mouth still attached to my clit, how unfair it all is to have to wait for him again. Especially considering how good his mouth feels against my pussy. How good his fingers feel stroking me there.
I cry out loudly once again, and he takes full advantage of it. I feel his cock brush against my thigh as his mouth moves faster and more vigorously against my clit. I can't remember when or how this happened, but my legs have begun to tremble uncontrollably underneath him, my skin burning feverishly.
His tongue continues working its magic, teasing at my sensitive spot, which sends sparks flying throughout my body.
It's not long before I'm practically screaming his name, throwing my head back when I feel myself about to explode into release . I'm dimly aware of him climbing off of me and tugging his Tshirt over his head. And then all thoughts evaporate as his mouth once again replaces his tongue with his lips.
It's not long before he's taking me inside of him again, slowly thrusting upward. I scream louder than before when I realize that he's entering me completely, the tightness of our connection causing him to take me deeper into his body than I'm used to feeling.
"Jacob, please. Faster," I beg, clutching his hair, pulling his head closer to mine. He responds immediately, moving even faster as my orgasm builds, my whole body shaking violently. I scream again when I come, my body twitching with the intense tension I feel spreading through my body, and I feel his hot semen fill my body. I shudder and jerk against him, my entire body wracked with the intensity of the sensations shooting through me. His hand clenches my ass, holding me as he pumps into me, each stroke increasing the pressure, pushing more of himself into me, until we're both coming apart.
I collapse against the pillow beneath my head, panting wildly as I try to catch my breath.
"God, Gracie," he breathes after a few moments. "I've missed that. God, you're incredible."
We lie beside each other, our chests rising and falling rapidly, catching our breaths. When we finally manage to calm ourselves down again, I notice that he's staring at me. The darkness in his eyes makes his expression seem so raw and vulnerable. For some reason, seeing that look always makes me feel safe, even though nothing has changed between us.
"You okay?" I whisper tenderly.
He stares into my eyes and nods without saying anything. The silence between us stretches out. I shift uncomfortably. I suddenly can't keep still anymore and turn to face him, running my hands through his hair, kissing him passionately on the lips, trying to show him how much his words mean to me.
As soon as our tongues meet, all doubts vanish, replaced with overwhelming emotions that make me feel dizzy. Our passion ignites like wildfire, and we lose ourselves in each other, touching, caressing, and making love again and again. Each touch, each kiss, every sound, every sensation makes my skin flush, making me ache for more, yearn to feel everything once again. And he wants to give it all to me, to me now that I'm not alone any more. We make love until we eventually sleep. And then when I wake up the next morning I have an arm draped over Jacob's body, his naked body pressed firmly against mine. I have an arm wrapped loosely around my waist, holding me securely. His head rests in the crook of my shoulder. Our legs are tangled together.
I'm not going anywhere. Not ever again.
This time I know where I belong and who I belong with. And he does, too, although I know it'll take time for him to come around to the fact. But he trusts me, and he knows I won't leave his side.

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