Chapter Two

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The rain still hit down hard with the wind blowing around Ariana in all directions. She knew she should focus on finding Eli at this point, but all that she could do for now is slowly creep forward to this cottage until she got to the door and stopped. Her hand slowly reached out to the handle as her hand took a tight grip around it. Her head kept screaming to run and get help, yet she didn't, couldn't. As her hand pulled the handle down she pushed the door open. No creaks or anything, it opened just as smoothly as any house door back in the town. The town where she could find help, where she could run back and get someone, anyone to help.

The door was now wide open and Ariana just stood in the door way, not frozen in terror, but curiosity. She couldn't help herself, next thing she knew she had taken a few steps inside and was just looking around. Her eyes didn't show fear, not even curiosity this time, they showed nothing, her expression was blank and so was the room. No furniture anywhere, no carpet, no paintings. It was as if someone had just moved out, and yet the outside looked as if someone had been there for years. 

The wind slammed the door shut behind her causing Ariana to jump out of the trance she appeared to be in. Suddenly it all rushed back to her, what she had seen, why she was there and who she was there for. She began to walk forward taking each step as carefully as if she was about to drop straight down at any moment. This room was so bare, there wasn't even another door leading out or into another room. The only way out now was the door she had come in. She turned and inched forward towards the door expect something to happen, to grab her and pull her to her death at any moment. But nothing, not even the floor boards creaking. She got to the door and eased it open as easy as before.

Ariana had watched a lot of horror films and was now living in her own. Yet this seemed different to all the others, this house should have been a trap, but she got back out safe. She didn't know what to do next, she was now stood in the cold, windy rain again, and the scene was back to something from a horror scene. No longer stood in the warm, empty room she now stood outside in the cold surrounded by trees that looked like they went on forever.

She decided to head back the way she came. The horrifying, disgusting way through all those fresh body parts again, she will have to face it all to get out of there. The blood from before still covered her face along with the rotten, decomposing smell that still lingered in her nose. As she pulled her jacket zip higher and pulled her hood up, she noticed the cut on her arm, the blood hadn't stopped pouring so she grabbed it to try and stop it, but nothing. She had lost so much blood and hadn't noticed how her sleeve was now tinted red as the wound lay open. She ripped the bottom of her shirt off and tightly wrapped it round the cut. It was deep into her arm and yet she could not feel it, it was as if it wasn't there. 

She carried on walking back the way she came, unsure of where she was going. The weather only got worse as she returned deeper into the woods, dreading what was literally about to hit her. The stench got stronger as she began to see limbs hanging on trees again. Moments later she found herself again fighting her way through hanging limbs, hitting them out of her way. Blood flying everywhere, all over her face again, she was soon covered. There was something still not right about this place; it all seemed so out of place, so disjointed. She began to run, faster and faster, deeper and deeper. It all started to get blurry, the ground start moving underneath her feet. The sky felt like it was falling, like the world was closing in on her. She kept running but wasn't getting anywhere. The trees all became further away the closer she got to them. The body parts seemed to disappear, but she couldn't see them go anywhere. Ariana reached out to try and grab a young child's hanging foot; it just vanished just before her hand reached it. As her hand reached forward, she could feel herself slowly fall to the ground. It was as if the world around her was in slow motion all of a sudden, it seemed like an eternity before she finally hit the floor. Her head hit hard against a rock knocking her unconscious, then rolling onto the muddy grass to the side. The world around her span as her eyes closed, all she saw was the shadow of the trees and limbs on the ground. 

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