Chapter Three

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The pain was so intense she felt as if her head was about to explode. She sat up and tried to get her head around what had happened. Looking around she realised exactly where she was, it was the spot she had fell hit her head. She looks up at the trees, squinting as the rain fell onto her face and saw exactly what was there before. The arms legs and other body parts of young children. How long she had been unconscious for she did not know, but by the looks of things it wasn't long. Not even hours possibly not even minutes. And yet in her mind she had been away for days.

Ariana had no choice but to stand up, as she did the world felt like it was spinning, it all went blurry before she could see clearly again. She was so cold her hands had began to turn purple as she stood there shivering. She didn't know if she should go back to the cottage, or back into town. The town had no one to help and the cottage was useless. She had to think of something soon, Eli's parents were due back tomorrow evening and there was still no sign of Eli. She decided to head back to his house, hopefully there will be something there to tell her what happened to him. She slowly headed back still dodging the limbs that seemed to only swing towards her when she passed them, yet hang still before she got to them. Ariana was soaked through, freezing cold and in pain. She needed to rest, but also needed to find Eli, if she couldn't find him, she would never forgive herself and neither would anyone else she thought. Walking through the dark woods along the path she was beginning to know too well, she came out somewhere she didn't recognise. It was not the park she had entered in, in fact it was no where she recognised at all. She had taken a wrong turning and was now lost and starting to get hungry and tired. She needed to find her way back to Eli's house soon, before morning would be good to get a fresh start in the light. She carried on walking forwards through a gate onto a narrow path that looked as if it was a place she shouldn't be, where things she hoped wouldn't happen occur. She picked up her pace and got to the end of the path and out onto a main road where there was, nothing. A road that looked like it should have some cars even at this time had nothing whats so ever. No sounds of cars in the distance, come to think of it, the only sound Ariana had heard in hours was the wind and rain.

Keeping an eye on things around her, looking out for anything,  anything at all, she walked along the side of the road. Eventually she came to a road that she recognised, it was her road. She stopped at the sign to think, think about what would happen if she went to get help, or what wouldn't happen if she didn't. Before she had made up her mind she had began walking forwards onto her street. As she got closer and closer to her house, her heart began beating faster and harder. There was nothing to be afraid of and yet she felt as if there was everything to be afraid of. As she got closer to her house she slowed the pace down, almost to a stop and yet she found herself not stopping, but instead looking up at the window with the light on and the shadow figure spoof a woman. Ariana only slowed down to look, but carried on by, she should turn back to her house, to get her mums help and yet she had a feeling that her mum couldn't help her right now, as if something bad had or was about to happen. Like the feeling a mother gets when she knows her child is in danger. So if Ariana knew her mum was in danger, why was she just walking past? She didn't know, but she kept going, trying not to question what she was doing or where she was going and just go.

She walked through many streets to finally get to the place she want to be, Eli's house.

She slowly opened the door and stepped in peering around in the darkness to an empty house. She gently closed the door behind her making sure it didn't slam and barely make a noise. She walked into the kitchen and turned the lights on and saw something awful, horrible in fact. She stepped back and gasped, covering her mouth with her hand to stop herself screaming as tears began to stream down her face. She stepped closer into the room becoming more horrified by each step. She looked down at the table which had been layer out for a dinner party. Placemats set, knives and forks in place and the meal had already been served. Each plate had a different organ placed on it, the blood still fresh, overflowing the plate and dripping onto the table. The smell was so vial Ariana rushed out of the room at to the bathroom. She knelt at the base of the toilet and began to cry even harder. The only thought that came to her head was, that was Eli. She composed herself and went back to face the horrific sight layer out in front of her. She slowly walked into the kitchen when she saw a little note on the edge of the table, she reached over to pick it it, staying as far away from the table as she could, it read;

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