Chapter Four

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As the motionless bodies remained I front of her, Ariana paced up and down grasping at her hair and pulling to try and stop what she was seeing. After a few minutes, Eli's dad started to moan and. Swing his head round, Ariana rushed to him clawing at the ropes that bound him tight against the wooden chair. He groan more as reality started to sink in with him.

'Who..who's there?' He asked in a groggy voice still not full recovering from that heavy blow to the head

'Its me sir, Ariana, something...strange is going on and I think I my need your help' Ariana replied in a hushed tone incase who ever did this was close enough to hear.

Little did she know just how close, as just before she untied the last knot, the room went dark, nothing was to be seen. All of a sudden Ariana felt a heavy object swing and hit her on huge head knocking her unconscious now next to where Eli's parents were. After about 5 minutes, Ariana woke up again, holding her head as it throbbing painfully. It took her a while to realise what had happened and she soon jumped to her feet to see the two chairs that once held two very alive people now empty with traces of blood left behind. Who ever is behind this is a sick person Ariana though as she tried to figure out next what to do. Her parents were off being tortured somewhere that she did not know, a young boy lay unconscious in a room, nearly breathing and now the two hopes she had of saving lives was gone leaving nothing but more blood on chairs. Ariana stood tall and kicked one of the chairs over in rage,

'I hate this, I swear to god if I ever get my hands on...' But before she could finish the sentence she. Noticed on the floor a blood trial. Maybe this person was t as smart as he thought as he has just left behind the most obvious of clues. Ariana's range died down as she looked around to see if a any other clues had been left. This once scared girl, who barley to any kind of risk, now willing to follow a blood trail that may well lead her to a very dangerous man. She took a deep breath building up all the courage she had, and began to follow the blood trail slowly towards the unknown.

As Ariana was nearing the end of the hallway, she glanced up and saw another clock with the number again in red, but this time it was bigger than the others and it showed she only had 10 minutes before something. The thought of what that could be still ran through her mind and each thought that crossed her scared her to death as each scenario ended with at least one dead body. She didn't like the thought of that and so carried on following the blood trail that began to become fainter and hard to see. She slowed down her pace to make sure she was going the right way and ended up in the back garden on next door. The grass was over grown, rubbish was dotted here and there, the trees and bushes over flowed into the garden. Who ever lived here, either hasn't for a very long time or had no interest in keeping the garden tidy. There was no way she could follow the blood trail through this and she saw no evidence on a disturbance in the tall grass that nearly reached her height. She edged around the garden reaching the back door where there was a small patio to stand on, she noticed a small bucket to her side and moved it so she could stand on it and look around. Nothing, this was no use, time was quickly running out and she had nothing but missing bodies and head that still throbbed with pain when she moved. All thee injuries should have stopped her long ago, but she carried on, strong as ever.

She decided to search blind just walk through the grass until she could see something, anything. She must have been searching for what felt like forever before walking across what felt like a very loose part of the grass, the odd thing was when she stepped down a foot ahead of her, the grass also sunk down, there was something there. Ariana knelt down to get a closer look before noticing the fresh red stain that covered a patch of grass. This is where the killer had taken his parents which meant that that is where the killer was. Ariana was soon to be face to face to the person behind all this. She took a deep breath and found a little rope to pull up the hidden door. It revealed a set of steep stairs that lead into an underground hiding place. There was a light to show her where she was stepping and to reveal every inch of the room that was in front of her. Ariana gasped and stumbled back. The room was an exact replicate of the cottage. This is where her parents had been held, and where her hope had quickly drained. She slowly walked forwards going deeper into the room as every inch was the same, yet this room looked more full but didn't have anything more than the other.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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