chapter 2

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"What is your name" the person asked.

" I am jake, and I am fove" jake said as he played with laylas ears.

" huh, your what?" The person asked again.

" I'm fove" jake said again.

" you look a least 21 to me" the person said.

Jake started to shake his head a bit and said in a much mature voice " little space, I have that" but I was only for a second and be went back into his little space.

" oh, hey buddy, are you by your self" that person said.

" yes my eomma and appa left me" jake told the person as tears began to form in his eyes.

" my name is heeseung, am 22" the person named heeseung said .

" why do you have an eyepatch" heeseung asked jake.

" oh, my appa throw a bottle at me and it cut my eye" jake said touching the eyepatch.

" do you mind if I look" heeseung asked.

" sure I guess but don't hurt it, my booboo will hurt" jake said as he took his eyepatch off.

Heeseung looked at Jake's eye and saw a long scar. " why are you here little jake" heeseung asked as he placed his hand on Jake's head.

" some mean people got in my house, they broke my dolls and cars" Jake's cried about his toys again.

Suddenly Layla started to growl at heeseung. " Layla don't do that to Bambi hyung" jake said lightly hitting Layla on her back.

" is this dog yours, and bambi hyung?" heeseung asked.

" yes she is my good girl, you look like Bambi so yes" jake said as he crossed his arm and pouted.

" do you have nowhere to go now" heeseung asked.

" no that was the only place I had" jkae cried.

" how about you come home with me, I will by was all the toys you can think of" heeseung suggested.

" yeah~, Bambi hyung will buy us toys Layla" jake yelled as he hugged his companion.

" come on, you need a bath too" heeseung said as he put his hand out to jake to gladly took it and they walked down the subway up the stairs to find a nice car waiting for them.
" oooo~, I looks nice, can I touch it Bambi hyung" jake asked and heeseung nodded.

Jake touched the car and they got inside and started to drive off. On the car ride jake asked heeseung in his older mind set.

" why are you taking care of me"

" because I know what it is like to have a hard life, my brother had little space before too, but we got it taken care of" heeseung explained.

" oh, will you help me do the same" jake asked with hope.

" I will try, but for now tell me more about you" heeseung said

" well my parents abused my and abandoned me so I think that is why a have little space, and I am 21, I have a brother who I miss everyday and night" jake said but suddenly paused and looked at heeseung.

" Bambi hyung are we almost there me tired" little jake asked.

" yes puppy, we are almost there " heeseung said.

" puppy, why I a puppy" jake asked cutely and heeseung cooed because of the cuteness.

" because you looked like a puppy just like I look like bambi" heeseung said.

" Layla he said I look like a puppy" jake told Layla as he petted her on the head.

Layla was sitting in between heeseung and jake, her head was on Jake's lap and her lower part was on heeseung. Heeseung personally found it rude but he was like whatever. Heeseung remember about his pet.

" he jakey, do you like birds" heeseung asked.

" oo~birds I like dem" jake said.

" I have one, we can see it when we get to my house" heeseung said and jake nodded lying his head on the head rest thingly in the car and falls asleep.

That is the second chapter and omg I wonder which one  heeseungs brothers had little space before. Heeseung is nice but little sunghoon he can be mean when you mess with him.

My Lttle Pup(heejake ff)✅️Where stories live. Discover now