chapter 10

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Saying his name the man yeonjun looked at beomgyu waiting for his name in return, but instead of giving his name beomgyu just started to walk off. Yeonjun followed beomgyu in his car, trying to match his pace not wanting to go faster then him.

"Fine I will just let you here, by yourself and let you get kidnapped" yeonjun said and that made beomgyu think of what his appa did to him, the feeling of disgust filled his stomach, making him want to puke. Beomgyu thought about it and went with yeonjun, still not trusting him fully but enough to go with him. Driving to the hotel he stayed at, yeonjun pulled into the parking lot turn his car off and helped beomgyu out. As they went into the room, yeonjun gave beomgyu clothes to wear, seeing as beomgyu clothes were ripped and stuff like that.

He stood in the shower thinking of his life and how much he hated it, but he stayed alive.....for his brother the one he hadn't seen for almost 16 years. (I forgot the time lol). He got out putting on the clothes and laying on the sofa.

"Why are you sleeping there?" Yeonjun asked as he looked down at him.

"I am sleeping here duhhh~" beomgyu Sassed.

"No you are not, go sleep on the bed" yeonjun said well more like demanded but same difference lol.

After some fights about it beomgyu ended up sleeping on the bed. The next morning beomgyu woke up to yeonjun on the phone with someone.

"His name is jake!, Ooo~ not heeseungie having a crush, but bro you said he has little space, how are you going to date him?............ oh you are working on it okay, that therapist must me really good then, but I like I said please be careful with him hee, he is just a kid if you think of it that way, but once he is in the right made set I think y'all can hit it off!, but I have to go. A cute guy is sleeping on the sofa lol, see you soon bye!" Beomgyu heard the conversation that yeonjun had and was surprised to hear his brothers name jake.

Beomgyu ran up to yeonjun and said "take me with you".

Yeonjun looked confused. "Why?" He asked.

"Because my brothers name is jake, what is the boys last name?" Beomgyu asked. Luckily heeseung told Jake's last name as well.

"It's sim" yeonjun answered and beomgyu started to tear up.

"Please yeonjun hyung, I am begging. Take me with you, I need to see my brother" beomgyu cried pulling on yeonjuns shirt as he did.

The next thing you know they were on a train going from Daegu to Seoul. Bouncing in his sit, beomgyu was excited to see his brother....

They arrived an went straight to heeseungs house.

Okay short but yeah! That is it for this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it bye!!!!

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