chapter 11

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Beomgyu pov:

me and yeonjun got ot his friend heeseungs house and i didn't want to be rude so i waited until yeonjun knocked on the door. opening the door was a handsome guy, he looked like bambi lol. We were welcomed and yeonjun gave to guy a hug, i am assuming that the guy was heeseung. I walked into the living-room obsirving it as i looked for my brother, but i didn't see him.

" are you okay beomgyu?" i heard yeonjun ask and i just nodded not wanting to speak, because i felt like crying. the man heeseung walked up to me and shook my hand "hi i am heeseung" i shook back as i nodded.

" beomgyu" i simpily said not wanting to say more. i suddenly heard some laughter, i turned to see fiur boys walking out a room laughing as they did. I locked eyes with one of them, i looked for a second and knew...... jake. I noticed jake about to cry as he ran into my arms, already sobbing. I held him colse not wanting to let him go.

" what just happened" i heard and looked at the person who said that. "niki shut up!" i heard again.

jake pulled away and cupped my face, "beomgyuie hyung... i mwissed you" jake said saying it weird, i then remembered that on the phone he had little space. I looked at him and kissed his cheek.

" i missed you to jakey, i wish for you all nigth and day as i cried myself to when i left you, i am sorry jakey, i didn't mean to leave you like that i tried to stay with you but i couldn't. i failed you" i sobbing.

no pov:

Everyone looking at them, but then heeseung remembered what jake told him. he had a brother and to heeseungs eyes it lookes like this was the brother jake was talking about.

" jake, is this who you were talking about?": heeseung asked and jake nodded not let go of beomgyu.

After some time, everyone was calm and was sitting down in the livingroom. " so your telling me that since you left jake by himself in that house, you were raped and abused, not to metion gang-banged by you father and other people?" yeonjun asked as beomgyu tried not to cry but failed and started to.

"yes, when you found me i ran away that night, and when i heard you on the phone with heeseung i knew i had my chances of leaving and finding my brothet" beomgyu said and yeonjun went to hug him

"i am so sorry, i wish i known you sooner. i promise that no one will hurt you again, that is on my life" yeinjun whispered him his ear so on one heard him and beomgyu blushed.
(metion of drugs)
else where was their father yelling. "WHERE IS HE, WHERE IS MY LOVE!!!" jaego yelled, wanting his love back.

"jaego if you don't shut up, i am trying to enjoy myself" minji said as she was having sex in the other room.

jaego sniffed the white powder from of the coffee table, putting his head back in pleasure as he did. "i will find you my love, i miss your nice ass" he said pulling out his phone (how'd he have that?) and looking at the tracking divice that was planted into beomgyu neck when younger. Looking at the phone he saw that beomgyu was in seoul.

"you move fast over nigth love, kets see how far you can get *smirks*" jaego said, leaving his wife in the house and got the first train to seoul.

"just you wait love, i will get you back" jaego said as he placed his head on the train window, looking out as he smiled like a crazy person.

heesueng pov:

the next day and beomgyu and jake never left each others sides. i gave them space and went to my room, laying on my stoamch thinking how much i love jake. i heard i knock on my door and was spurised to see jake standing there

" bambi hyung i saw something weird" jake said looking shocked.

i was confused.....

okay that is it for this chpater i didn't proofread this so yeah lol, i hope you enjoyed it. i posted early bc i was bored bye!!!!!!.

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