Chapter 5

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I heard loud noises, as I could feel myself going in and out of consciousness. I looked up to see a large dark silhouette appearing in front of me. Muffled shouting could be heard, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I closed my eyes, as I could feel myself losing consciousness. The smell of copper still lingered, which made me too sick to move. That was until I felt myself being lifted.

I felt too ill to comprehend my surroundings. The dark silhouette carried me gently, as I felt strong arms carefully cradle me. I groaned in pain with every movement, as I could feel a migraine slowly creep up. The memories of my mother kept coming, but sadly, I couldn't remember her face. But feeling the warmth of a body made me relaxed, as I could feel myself sagging into them. I heard a heartbeat, which reminded me of my mother, as she used to cradle me in this position. I closed my eyes, calling for her.


Evelyn felt herself drift off into the darkness, while hearing a familiar voice calling her. "ᴱᵛᵉˡʸⁿ, ⁱᵗ'ˢ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵘᵖ." It was quiet, but could still be audible. Evelyn's eyes fluttered from the curtains opening, as Emily came over to help her get dressed. Evelyn yawned, while letting out a big stretch. She didn't really care for the occasion, but proceeded to get ready. Emily ran her bath, before leaving her to get undressed. Emily, being the head maid, called all the other maids to bathe Evelyn while she went out for a bit.

Time had passed, as Evelyn was in her gown. She looked through the closet to find a dress that would suit the theme of her coronation. But then she remembered the dress she saw yesterday. It was the perfect dress, but she could never ask Emily for it. Nor did she want to do the coronation. She began to feel sad, knowing that she was going to be married off.

Emily came back with a box in hand. "What in the box?" Evelyn asked. Emily signalled all the maids to leave, as she sat next to Evelyn on her bed. With the room being quiet, Emily handed the large box that rested on her lap. "Here, I saw you look at it earlier. I know you don't ask for things, and you've grown up to be a beautiful woman. Your mother would be so proud of you!" She said teary eyed.

Evelyn carefully lifted the lid, and moved the tissue paper. Only to reveal the dress she saw yesterday. "Ohhh, Emily!! You shouldn't have!!" Evelyn teared up. Emily looked at Evelyn, and smiled. "Shall we put it on you." Evelyn could only respond with a yes. She took the dress out of the box. It is covered in a beautiful white lace, with a slender fit. The dress had a long train, with gold patterns. She wore her mothers crown, along with the necklace she was given. It was the perfect dress. It complimented the crown and necklace.

All the maids were awestricken, while they complimented her dress. But as time drew slowly, Evelyn got nervous. She began to sweat, realising that she will be meeting with her potential husband. She may end up dancing with him. A new fear unlocked within her. Emily couldn't help but notice Evelyn's pale face. She was never afraid of being the centre of attention, but the new overwhelming fear that she may fail. Emily came to her side, comforting her. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked. "I-I don't know if I can do it. W-what if I look like a fool!" Evelyn stammered nervously.

Emily grabbed her face, cupping her cheeks as it made her lips puckered, all the while calming her. "Hey, you'll be fine. You have done an amazing job so far. What makes you think you can't do it this time?" With Emily's hands still there, Evelyn tried to get some words out. "I ean, wa ith I ail?" (I mean, what if I fail?) Emily released her face, before adding. "You have done more of your duties as a princess. What makes you think you can't be Queen? You have worked hard to get this far, don't let this set you back." Evelyn knew that Emily would be by her side during the remainder of her coronation. They left the room, as the day began.


I walked down the never ending halls, as my footsteps echoed with every step. Even though the halls were always bare, I felt the overwhelming sensation of loneliness. I stood by the main doors, hearing a lot of movement and music. My stomach filled with butterflies, as I stood alone. Emily passed besides me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, I'm right here. I may not be able to walk you down the stairs, but just know that I will be here when you need me." She spoke calmly. I smiled back, feeling a little at ease. "Get yourself together Evelyn! You are going to be queen soon! Don't worry Emily any further!" I told myself, before slapping my cheeks. "Right, shall we." I spoke, signalling to open the doors.

The muffled noises became clear, but hard to understand all at once. The announcer came to the balcony, as he bellowed to get the crowd's attention. "May I present the former princess of the Decor household, the only heir of his majesty the king. Princess of the Decor family, Citadel of Rose Reaves. May we welcome our new ruler of these lands. All hail to her Majesty, Queen Eevelyn." All eyes were on me as people cheered and clapped for joy. I heard many women compliment the dress I wore, along with the many men that gawked. I made my way down the flight of stairs without a problem. The fear of falling down was quickly dismissed.

My next target to greet was some ambassadors, alone with their sons. "Was this the man to be my future husband?" I questioned myself. Only to be brushed off when his mistress came to his side. I scanned the area, trying to find who my betrothed was. To my avail, I grew exhausted. That was until I heard the many gossips coming from one direction. I looked up to see my father coming towards me. Unsure of who he was bringing with him, I bowed my head. "Greetings father, it has been a long time since we last spoke to one another." I spoke with my head down. I haven't looked him in the eyes since mothers passing. So ignoring the people he was with was a normal habit I've grown accustomed to.

He cleared his throat, while introducing his guest. "This is a good friend I made during my travels, he has saved me multiple times-" I didn't really show any interest, since he never gave me the time of day. I heard bits and pieces, how his "friend" saved him countless times. But I did start to notice the crowd surrounding us had gotten bigger. People were moving away from me which was unusual. I didn't really comprehend why they were scattering from us. "Was it the tension of my father and myself that made people spread out to the corners. Or could it be-" I thought loosely.

I didn't look nor care, but I had these weird gazes from onlookers. They whispered amongst one another, but their whispers were too quiet to be heard. "-And these are his four sons. They came all this way to visit you at your coronation.." Was the last thing I heard from him. "They might be taken as well. At this rate, I may never find who my betrothed would be." I thought to myself. Thinking he was finished, I casually asked a waiter to hand a drink over. He looked rather pale, and started to shake in fear. I don't know why I was looking for my betrothed so desperately. Maybe I wanted to get an idea what he looks like, and if he's the ideal husband I want by my side. Or maybe to get some closure?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard him say something I didn't expect. "Oh and they will be your betrothed.." No one expected this from my father. Not Emily, nor I. We were all just as shocked. This snapped me out of my thoughts, as I looked up. I was in utter shock from their appearance. They were nothing like I imagined. As for the waiter, he came too fast in delivering the drink, ending up tripping on his feet. I saw the drink come straight for me, but I couldn't react. I closed my eyes, waiting for the glass to make contact. I felt an arm wrap around me, shielding me from the glass. I was greeted with a bare chest, with some visible muscles. They were huge.

One of them had protected me from the advancing wine glass. My heart was pounding fast from his sudden approach, all the while he kept maintaining a cool demeanour. He went on one knee after backing away, and the others followed suit. Not that it changed their height, as they were still taller when crouched. They stretched their hands, waiting for me to choose.

I had to pick between them. As I went to reach for them, my head started to grow sore. The room started to spin, which made me begin to feel sick. Everything started to fade to black, which I evidently closed my eyes. That was until I heard something being dropped. My eyes fluttered, seeing I was back to the familiar ceiling of my ship.

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