Chapter 4

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I made my way down the street, following the instructions the shop owner gave me. The streets were quite narrow, with a lot of beggars patrolling the area. It was very different from where I come from. People begged wherever I went. I had never seen this before. People robbing one another to survive, and fighting over little scraps of food just to get by. The smell of sewage was erupting from the sewers below me. It was unbearable to breathe. I began to wonder where my life will lead me. Would it end up like the people in the streets? Or will I be able to survive throughout my "journey".

I walked further down an alley to find myself completely lost. "Did I make the wrong turn?" I questioned myself. In the distance, a noise that could be heard miles from me. It sounded like plasma, but it sounded more rapid. I followed the sound to see where it was coming from. It was getting louder and louder every corner I took. Just when I thought I got closer, the sound stopped. I ran in the direction in front, before noticing what I might come across. The familiar smell of copper stained the area, and I began to feel sick to my stomach.

The flashes of my mother came into view, leaving me frozen to move. I leaned against the wall, heaving, throwing up the last meal I had before coming here. "Well, that was a waste of a meal." I thought to myself. I began to feel someone watching me, which I began to feel sick again. The smartest thing for me to do was to turn back. In mid turn, I was unaware that someone was already behind me and bumped into them.

"I-I'm so sorry, please forgive me-" I spoke nervously. I looked up to find myself greeted with a face full of skin before backing away. The person I bumped into wore minimal armour that had noticeable spikes, along with what looks like an assault rifle in hand. He had a distinct appearance that of a reptile, but a clear visual burn that penetrated into his face. He looked down, before scanning the area. Alongside him were beings made of metal, and spoke in a synthetic tone. "Bystanders are not prohibited in this region. This is a restricted area, move aside." One of the droids spoke to the lizard guy. With every minute passing by, you could see his growing irritation from the droids. "Captain Jok, the target is just around that corner. We need to subdue him before he-''He grabbed the droid, and without hesitation, he raised his weapon underneath its chin and pulled the trigger. Oil and metal splattered everywhere, even on my cloak which soaked up most of the oils. "I didn't ask for you to speak to me. I am the leader, which means you follow orders. We are not equals."


His lips curled in disgust showing his sharp fang-like teeth, while tossing the droid's lifeless body. This triggered Evelyn to run towards the danger that awaits her. "We should stop her! she's going into dangerous territory." Another droid spoke. Jok seemed to be amused, all the while smirking. "It's not our fault if she runs into danger. Anyway, we get to see what the abomination will do to her."

All Evelyn could do was run, as the ongoing trauma that repeats in her head. The flashed of her mothers blood splattered on the walls and doors, followed with her body going limp. Closing her eyes, hoping to forget the pain. She took a sharp turn before she tripped, landing into a puddle. Not knowing what she had tripped on, she looked to see what resembled that of an arm. Evelyn froze, only realising that the puddle was warm. Looking down, she could see some sort of dark liquid. But lifting up her hand, she noticed the colour was a deep blue. Not realising afterwards, the strong smell of blood came rushing like a tidal wave. It was sickly strong. Looking up what lies before her, she saw the whole alley was painted in a sea of blue. Bodies were everywhere. Some were hanging off large waste canisters, while others were hanging off electrical cabling. To her horror, their limbs barely hung on. It looked like a slaughterhouse. Limbs hanging on veins like threads, bones were exposed, while there were butchered remains of something that used to resemble a person.

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