Strength (Part 1/2)

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"Be good to your mother, lads. We'll visit when we can... But that may be some time."

A few days later, you had all gathered in the Princes' chambers. It was so early, the young boys were not yet dressed for the day. But the Lord Hand had suggested it was best for the traveling party to depart from the capital just before sunrise. Doing so meant less prying eyes, and the near-empty streets would be far easier for the horses and carriage to traverse than later on in the morning or afternoon.

As you stood beside Princess Rhaenyra, rocking Prince Joffrey gently in your arms, you looked over towards your sons sympathetically.

Derrik and Selwin, as you and Harwin had expected, were less than thrilled when you'd informed them that the family was to relocate to Harrenhal so abruptly. The news hadn't been easy for them to understand a few days before, and it seemed no easier for them to grasp now, even though the fateful moment had arrived. Derrick and Selwin looked so solemn, standing beside their friends, already donned in their traveling clothes and cloaks. Your sons had put on brave faces, but you knew they would miss Jacaerys and Lucerys terribly. You hoped that once they witnessed the grandeur that was Harrenhal, their spirits might be lifted, if only a little.

Better for them to be upset for a little while now, than to have them ripped from your arms by the headsman later. A chill ran down your spine at the horrid thought. You quickly regathered yourself by refocusing on the small Princeling in your arms.

Jacaerys and Lucerys were having difficulties coming to terms with the circumstances as well. Luke had been more reserved and closed off over the past few days than he usually was, and poor Jace had looked blatantly down-trodden.

As the Princes looked up at your husband with sad, wide eyes, your heart wrenched. It was unfair for them to be robbed of a man whom they looked up to so much, a man who practically had treated them as though they were his own blood for as long as they'd known him. You sincerely hoped Princess Rhaenyra would be able to get some proper sense through to Ser Laenor about investing more seriously into their family. Though Harwin and your family would be gone, Jacaerys and Lucerys' need for fatherly guidance would not simply cease to exist with Harwin's absence.

You could tell Harwin was still torn about having to leave, and, despite the potentially deadly consequences otherwise, you were not completely settled with the decision either. Harwin cared for the Princes greatly, that was beyond dispute. But, as you and Princess Rhaenyra had come to be so close over the years, you had come to care for her sons as well. Despite who their father was or was not, Jacaerys, Lucerys, and now Joffrey, were extensions of the woman whom you viewed as your dearest friend, and you loved them as such.

"We will return... I promise."

You knew, perhaps better than anyone else, how true to his word Harwin was. But you did not fail to notice the intentional omittance of a time frame in which his vow would need to be accomplished.

When Princess Rhaenyra's oldest son said nothing in response, Harwin tucked his hand under Jacaerys' chin in an effort to cheer him up. It worked minimally; the boy did not look amused, but his look eventually shifted from one of dejection to one of reluctant acceptance. He nodded, silently confirming he understood your husband's promise.

Harwin turned to Princess Rhaenyra with a sad smile. You took that as your queue to return Prince Joffrey back into her arms. The Princess accepted him from you with an ease, and she shushed him soothingly.

Once the youngest boy was settled in his mother's arms, Harwin placed a gentle hand on top of the boy's head. "You be good too, little lad," he instructed the babe half-seriously. A sobering thought must have struck his mind then, for he added dismally, "I will be a stranger when we meet again."

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