Non, je ne regrette rien

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W-They tortured my brother, only I can do that, they will ruin my favorite prey-

P-uhm...At least do you regret about what you've done?-

W-No, I don't regret anything.
Absolutely anything.
I'm sad that i couldn't complete the job-

P-Ok, you know what... you need therapy, a fu-freaking internment in a mental hospital. You don't deserve to stay in school. Expelled -


M-Oh my little murderous woman... we're doing this for you, don't loathe us, Nevermore would be a great opportunity for you, trust me...US, trust us-

Of course she's saying this, they WENT to Nevermore, this school is like their trophy and they want me to be like them and pursuit this path that they've already digged to me.
They want me to find my people, win in every single club they've been into, enter in the secret society that they more or less closed.
They want me to find love, the perfect future Addams boy, the one that will melt my heart and will transform me in a lovebird who can't I stay separate with for more than 2 minutes.
But no.
No, in a no way.
I won't find my people
I will avoid the clubs that they were in
I won't be envolved in secret society and things like that
I won't find love
I won't find the perfect boy
And, first of all, i will not stay in this school.
I care too much about my dear life and mental stability to stay here for more than a couple pf weeks.

W-To be clear, I'm here against my will but I will give this school a try.-


E-Ehy, I'm Enid your roommate and your official guide in this school.-
*after the tour and the new uniform*
-Are you ok? you look paler than before, there's no color in your side of the room and your uniform is black, so why are you...-

W-Didn't someone ever told you to shut up?
You're are my problem right now, you are giving me an headache and not the good kind.-


Enid said while walking towards Wednesday's side of the room.
The Addams girl stared at her roommate in shock, She instantly frozed in her place while the colorful one touched and snooped around her things making whispered comments about them.

W-Do Not Touch My Stuff-
-I said don't-

Wednesday grabbed Enid's arm to stop the girl but she had one of her visions.
It was only for a couple of moments but she was completely signed after that.

I-I don't know what was that and I'm scared now
And what if it's not real?
I hope it's false

Author note:
it's not very long and it's not so good (i don't like it but it's the first chapter so idk)
i hope i will improve my language
tell me what you think about this one

also, no vision explanation if you're wondering.
trust me it makes sense i nmy mind

wenclair 🪢🌈🕳️Where stories live. Discover now