Always Forever

201 3 0

One shot
Translations at the end

still not the main story, sorry

Enid was packing a bag with some of her stuff for her sleepover with Yoko, Divina and two other scales.
While doing so, she felt watched the whole time.

Wednesday was composedly sitting on her bed with Dante's "Divine Comedy" in its original language in her hand, but the goth was not reading it.
As a matter of fact She found herself got caught up with the werewolf movement and she had been staring at the girl for at least 20 minutes.

When Enid's eyes met Wednesday's, the psychic felt like oxygen was missing in her lungs and like the bed vanished underneath her.

Whiteout thinking she said "Amor, ch'a nullo amato amar perdona, mi prese del costei piacer sì forte, che ancor non m'abbandona."

"What was that Wednesday?"

This made Wednesday come out of her trance.
She spoke up in her usual flat tone but it wasn't actually that flat, it had some deep things in that.

"It is Italian Enid. I am currently re-reading the Divine Comedy written by Dante Alighieri. These are verses 103, 104, 105 of the Canto V of Inferno. I would love to share what this Canto is about but I now that you're not slightly interested in that."

"Oh, I thought you were more a Machiavelli type of girl, but nonetheless I would still love to hear about it Wendy!!"

"Ok" said Wednesday while getting up and a bit closer to her side of the window "In this chapter, or Canto, Dante meets the carnal sinners who's punishment is to be imprisoned in a terrible tempest whit strong wind. In this tempest Dante sees the only two souls who walk hand in hand and he stops them.
They are Paolo and Francesca: they fell in love reading from the same book, they kissed, and after their kiss they were damned to burn in hell for giving in their lustful desires because Francesa was married with Paolo's brother.
Her words, the ones that i repeated with some liberty, are the ones she uses, among others, to justify their action."

Now was Enid turn to be stuck in her place staring at Wednesday.
All Enid could think was why she said that and how it makes her feel know that she knows what the words meant.

"Wens... w-what are you implying?"

Wednesday got closer to the werewolf, she put her hands around Enid's waist and than looked in Enid's blue eyes.
She gently and gallantly place a small kiss on the werewolf's forhead.

"Enid is it clearer what I am implying?"

Enid nodded not know what to respond, her hands just made their way on the goth's forearm.
Wednesday smirked slightly, making her face twitch, then she give a little peck on her check before releasing her hug.

"Now go on that sleepover of yours, we will talk about this later on"

The demanding side of Wednesday was back and made Enid take the order as soon as she said it.
But when she was on the door she spun on her heals and went to Wednesday who was now sitting on her desk's chair.
Enid put her hands on the sides her face and leaned in to kiss the psychic.
Wednesday put her hands around Enid's waist again making the blond sit on her lap.

Their kiss was long, slow and passionate.
Their tongues danced together in a way that made her both feel warm inside.
Their bodies and mouths and breaths fit perfectly together that now they both know, they were damned (or blessed) to be with each other forever.

Enid ended their kiss because she was too out of breath to continue.
She left the goth embrace and said while walking out the room:
"Amor and that thing to you too, Wednesday!
Oh and Now we're just like Paolo and Francesca, damned to be together 'till the end"

Wednesday smiled at the goofiness of her lover, but she thought too that they're going to stay together 'till the end

Amor, ch'a nullo amato amar perdona, mi prese del costui piacer sì forte, che ancor non m'abbandona. =Love, which absolves none who are loved from loving, gave me such strong pleasure in loving her, that it still does not leave me.

Canto =the chapter in the divine comedy

Amor =Love

Author note:
hiii I'm back, I've had this idea this morning while i was on the train to go to school.
Basically is Dante, my beloved, and these particular verses that were stuck in my head for quite a few days.
This might be sh*t and I'm sorry.
I'm also sorry that the main story is basically discontinued (not actually but has been paused for a while), i might begin to write when school is over in june.
also i have little to no inspiration rn ahahah
well, I'm going to sleep


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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