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Just then the door kicked open...

Six's p.o.v

I stopped fighting,

"Who are you?" I asked and surprised that he heard me,

"Seven and you?"


"Oh! What a Coincidence six and seven!" He said smiling

Then I heard four yell


"Who is he??"


"Oh!, well... We should start killing so we can get a move on"

5Mins Later*

Fours p.o.v

Me, six and the other guy started towards the door,

Four more gaurds stood infront of us and tryed to take one direction from us,

So I killed them all and I said trying to tell them

"Umm if We were to let you go, the mogs would kill you and if you do get killed your fans wouldn't like it would they??"

Louis p.o.v

"Oh" I said,

Then I couldn't see Chelsey anymore

We're was she??

"Where's chelsey??" I asked

"Oh yeah and that to each of us have developed legacies, and one of her legacies is that she can go invisible.........


Sorry haven't updated in almost a week and I know this chapter is boring and short

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