Chapter 5: Team Red (on TV)

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(A/N: This is the song Ella LOVES to sing!)

Goggles, his teammates, the S4 and his new friends were chilling at Elle's house because why not.

Goggles: Hey Elle?

Elle: Yeah, Gogs?

Goggles: Can I talk to you about something?

Bobble Hat chimes in.

Bobble Hat: Ooo! I think I know what this is about!

Specs: Uh, guys? You might wanna see this!

Everyone looks on the television screen. It reveals a red inkling with side-swept hair, a jungle hat, a white inky rider, and pearlscent kicks. Her name appeared to be Ella, and it showed her and her skilled teammates, it is clear that they are an X-RANKED TEAM!!

Ella on TV: *singing while fighting* You're a kid now! You're a squid now! You're a kid, you're a squid, you're a kid, you're a squid, you're a kid nowww!! Ink it all now! Up the wall now! Disappear, going back, then you turn, then attack! You're a squid nowww! Rise up off the ink! And ambush this dude!!!

Goggles: Wow, she's good!

Specs: Yeah..*blushes*

Goggles: Hey--you're blushing!! 

Specs: I AM NOT!!! Shut up idiot!!

Goggles: Anyway Elle, and Bobble Hat too. I want to talk to you both about something.

Elle and Bobble Hat: What is it, Gogs?

(A/N: What DOES Goggles want to talk about? Find out in the next chapter! Love y'all! Peace!)

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