Chapter Twenty-Four

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I was tired.

I wasn't keeping track of how late it was and even with my new medication it didn't stop my racing thoughts.

How the hell did everything go to shit right when I come back to school? Right when everything was getting better?

I was zoned out, sitting in the dark on my couch in the living room. I looked around my house and noticed for the first time how bland it was. There was no color, just shades growing in the shadows.

The front door cracking open made me snap out of my haze.

I immediately stood up, confused as to who could be coming home this late.

My mom is out of town doing business and my dad went upstairs about an hour ago to sleep. And Vinnie...

I roll my eyes as I watch my older brother stumble over himself while trying to get through the front door. I flip the lights on and he immediately covers his face.

"Dad this isn't what you think!"

I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the wall.

"I'm not dad, moron."

His shoulders relax and he shuts the door behind him. I'm hit with a cold breeze from outside. He grins stupidly at me while leaning against the table that sits next to our front door.

"I thought you were spending the night with your friend?" I question him.

"Yeah well his parents came home early and I got kicked out." He shrugged his shoulders and stared around the house.

I sensed something off with his vibe. He hasn't insulted me in the five seconds that he's been home.

"Shocking." I said sarcastically.

He seemed to not have heard me so right then I knew something was definitely wrong. I grabbed hold of the front of his shirt and dragged him into the light.

"Whoa man,"

I stared into the red eyes of Vincent.

I removed my hand and took a step back.

"Are you high right now? Since when have you been taking drugs?"

He looks down and slowly counts on his fingers.


I frown.

"You'll be taking drugs soon?"

He beams at me but staggers to the side. I almost lose my mind at this.

"Are you drunk too?"

He catches himself just before falling, and walks off into our living room. I follow right behind him as he takes a seat on the couch.

"What the hell, Vinnie? Since when were you a druggie?"

"Since now." He says casually while throwing his head back and squeezing his eyes shut.

I laugh humorlessly.

"I wonder what mom will think when she comes home and I tell her-"

"Yeah you go do that, just like you always do."

I scowl down at him.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Just that you're a mommy's boy. Shit, ever since you could talk you've always ratted me out. Aren't our parents so lucky to get their perfect son that I'm sure they've been dreaming about." He mutters sarcastically.

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