A Step In The Dark

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A/N: Ummmmm... get ready for more *spice.* That's all I'll say.

*sigh* I don't know why I'm like this. 


"Step out," he whispers, his breath tickling your ear. 

You feel him raise his arms gently. Your own arms, connected to his by your interlocking fingers, are forced to follow suit. The feeling is surreal. It's like he's guiding you through the next step of a dance... only this dance involves a 75 foot drop straight down. 

You feel your throat close up in fear, and your fingers tighten painfully around his. It takes all your willpower not to twist out of his grip and away from danger. You're shaking as you look out into the darkness. Your heartbeat is pounding in your ears, drowning out every other noise. You can't hear Min-hyuk behind you, or the wind as it tugs at your clothing. You can't even hear the deafening explosions as the fireworks go off around you. All you see is bright flashes of color and the city lights far ahead. You trust Min-hyuk, you really do... but to this extent??

Your vision starts to blur as fear gradually takes the reins. Just as you're about to give up and take a step backward into the safety of the ferris-wheel car, Min-hyuk's low voice cuts through the sound of your pounding heart.

"Y/N...," he murmers softly into your ear. "Trust me."

For the next few moments your world goes quiet. Even the pounding of your heart is lost to the silence. The only thing breaking through the nothing is the calm breathing of the man behind you. You close your eyes tightly, focusing on the steady breath that tickles your ear. 




Your own breath synchronizes with his, and you slowly feel your fear melt away like snow when it meets warm rays of sunlight. And as you take your next shaky breath in, your feet move on their own, and you step out into the darkness in front of you.



When you step out, your feet touch something soft and... springy? You feel Min-hyuk step out behind you as well, and as you take a few steps together on the unknown surface, you peel your eyes open to see what's happening. As you slowly ease your eyes open and look down, the breath is stolen from your lungs. You both should have fallen out of the car, but you're levitating-- no, you're walking through the air as though there were solid ground beneath you. 

(A/N: I don't know if any of you have seen Howl's Moving Castle. It's a studio ghibli movie and it's AMAZING. The book's really good too. Anyway, there's a scene from the movie that I pictured when I wrote this, so I had to include the pictures to show yall. Soooo just imagine you're in this scenario with Ri-eul... and it's obviously nighttime instead. Okay, sorry to interrupt)

 Okay, sorry to interrupt)

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