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A/N: Here it is, folks. What you've all been waiting for:


A Couple Years Later....

"Min-ah!" you call over your shoulder "Another letter just came from Ayi!"

You'd been standing by the front door taking your shoes off when you had heard a quiet whoosh and soft thud. You've grown accustomed to that sound over the years, so you immediately recognized it: the sound of Ayi's magic letters. 

You turn towards the door again and, sure enough, there's a white letter on the ground in front of it, addressed simply with the word Ajussi on the front in Ayi's neat handwriting. You excitedly pick it up, turning around to wave it in the air for Min-hyuk to see. Your boyfriend smiles at your enthusiasm as he takes off his coat, laying it carefully to the side while he slides out of his shoes and into his house slippers. You had both finished work not too long ago and just barely returned to your small, but clean apartment. 

Min-hyuk still looks the same as ever. He still has the same long dark hair, handsome features, and eyes that twinkle with childlike wonder. Even his clothing style hasn't changed over the last 2-ish years. He still wears the same flowy, white button-ups and dark pants. And today he even wore his signature top-hat and black cloak. He has the look of a true magician... which you suppose is fitting because he has become a local magician-- and a popular one, at that. He's constantly being called to perform at restaurants, and especially at kids' birthday parties. The birthday parties are his favorite gigs because, as he tells you often, little children always believe in his magic. Though you haven't asked him about his day yet, you can tell he must've done a birthday party again today. He always seems more chipper at the end of the day when he performs at birthday parties. 

"She hasn't sent a letter for a good while," Min-hyuk comments. "I was starting to think she forgot about me."

"Tch," you reply with an amused smile. You doubt the young girl would ever forget him. When the two of you had first moved away, Ayi would write him letters almost every week. She would never address them to you, of course. You seriously doubt whether she even realized you had gone with him. You step closer to Min-hyuk, holding out the letter for him to take. 

He looks at you briefly and then at the letter. Then he steps forward, closing the distance between you to plant a soft kiss on your forehead. 

"Read it to me?" he requests, stepping away. He starts to walk into the kitchen. "I'll start dinner while I listen."

You don't need to be told twice. With a smile, you tear open the letter, eager to see what the now-graduated girl has been up to since she last wrote a few months ago. You follow Min-hyuk into the kitchen, your eyes scanning the first paragraph before you read it out loud. 

"'Ajussi,'" you start, with a fond smile at the name. "'Are you doing well? Its already winter again. The weather is so chilly. Wherever you are, I hope you don't catch a cold. You remember my little sister right? Yoo-yi is going to middle school soon. She nags so much. She thinks she's the big sister now.'"

You look up to see Min-hyuk smile gently as he gets out a cutting board and knife. You never had the chance to meet Ayi's younger sister, but you can picture a miniature Ayi bossing her older sister around and it makes you smile too.

"'I don't know if I told you. Our dad got a job in the countryside last year, and he comes home every weekend. We still have a lot of debt left, but I'm helping too, so we're slowly paying it back. The world has changed a lot, and my life has too. But the amusement park and the theater are still here, frozen in time. It reminds me of you, and the magic you showed me.'"

The Sound of Magic (Ri Eul x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now