Chapter Twenty-Two

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I woke to Warrick's lips on my back between my shoulder blades. What a great way to come out of a deep sleep. He brushed my hair out of the way and made his way slowly up my spine. The blankets were pulled from my naked body to be replaced by the raw heat coming off him. He was still wearing his clothes, and the feeling of his jeans and t-shirt scraping against my bare skin was fucking erotic.

"Good morning, baby girl," he whispered.

Whatever answer I had in mind was wiped away when his hand slid around my waist to hold me closer. Like a spark to dry tinder, my body went hot. All I could focus on was his body against mine and how easy it would be for him to take his pleasure from me like this. "Do you want me to fuck you, Jay?" he purred.

"Yes," I gasped.

A chuckle rumbled in his chest, and I shivered as his hot breath washed over my neck. "Just me? Or should we wait for Kade to come back so he can fuck your pretty little mouth at the same time?"

"Both," I groaned, pushing my hips back to grind against him. There was nothing I wanted more than to have both my future mates in that moment. Fucking me. Claiming me. Claiming them.

"Suit yourself," he said, and before I could ask what he meant, he kissed my cheek and backed away.

"What?" I rolled onto my back and tried to grab his hand. "Wait... No... why?"

"You said you wanted to wait for Kade. He's out with his parents and brothers right now and won't be back until later. So, we wait."

There was a deliciously wicked smirk on his face, meaning he knew exactly what he was doing. I threw a pillow at him. "Asshole."

I flipped back over and tried to cocoon myself into the blankets. I was willing to be awake for sex, but nothing else. My head felt like it was splitting open. The light coming in from the windows pierced my eyeballs like a thousand knives, and the sound of my own thoughts were way too loud.

"Ah, ah!" Warrick snatched my ankle and dragged me back across the bed as easily as if I weighed nothing until my legs were dangling off the edge of the bed. "It's almost eleven. It's time to get up."

"Why?" I whined like a toddler. "Just so I can be ambushed by your family again? No thanks."

Okay, so maybe I was a little more annoyed with all that than I might have said out loud before. I know I shouldn't be. It is good and healthy for Kade and Warrick to see their families, and, as their future mate, I should accept them and love them as my own as well. But with that came the expectation that they would accept and love me as family too. Right? Sure, Violet and Alan, and Esraa and Menes, and certainly Ravi had welcomed me with open arms...

Honestly, I don't know why I was letting what happened bother me. All Amara knew about me was a watered-down version of all the bad parts. She was just looking out for her brother. I like to think I would feel the same way if I were in her position. Once she got to know who I really am, she would warm up... at least, I hoped...

Still... something kept nagging at me. Maybe I was just sick of sisters hating me

"I know last night didn't go as well as we might have hoped," he said softly. "It's certainly not how I hoped you would meet any of them. There is no excusing my sister's behavior. She owes you an apology. She owes all three of us an apology. I hate to say that only one of us should expect one that's genuine."

I didn't answer, and I didn't move. He was right. I just didn't know what to say.

I felt the bed sink, and when I looked around, he was settling back against the headboard. He smiled and patted his lap as an invitation. As if I needed one. I was already crawling up the bed to cuddle up next to him with my head in his lap.

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