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Angel's POV

Do you know the feeling that your crush doesn't care about you? Ouch it hurts, but you still have a crush on him? it hurts but you are thrilled when you see him even if he doesn't even look at you. If that's what you're experiencing right now, same!

His name is Jaden, Handsome, tall, kind, smart and doesn't care about me.

I want to uncrush him but it's so hard! He's so handsome!

(At school)
Clarissa: Yasss finally it's break time
Mae: Lets go buy some snacks
Clarissa: Hurry up Angel!
Angel: Coming!

We went to the canteen, Me, Mae and Clarissa. I don't buy snacks at the canteen because I have my own food, I just go with them because I know that Jaden is there

We are going back at our room after Mae bought snacks, Then! I bumped into someone!

Angel: Ah sorry...!

I said and looked at who I bumped into and.... Guess what! The one I bumped to is Jaden! OMG!

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End of chapter 1 thanks for reading love y'all♡

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End of chapter 1 thanks for reading love y'all

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