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Jaden! I bumped into Jaden! OMG

Angel: sorry....
Jaden: look at what you are passing by (he said coldly)

I was thrilled by what he said, omg he's so hot!

We went back at our room with my face so red

The break time was over and we took at test in math

My brain almost exploded with this test, fast forward it was lunch time, we went to the canteen because Mae was going to buy again, and of course I saw the love of my life!

And..... I caught him staring at me! OMG!

Clarissa: hey let's go
Mae: Why are you so in love with Jaden?
Clarissa: Probably because his handsome but Luke is even more handsome
Mae: hmp! Clarissa you too what if I kill you both ugh
Angel: hahahaha lets go

We we're going back at our room when Jaden suddenly walked towards us!

Jaden: Angel is your name right? Can I get your number?

End of chapter 2❤

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