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Wait what! Jaden who I have a crush for 5 years is asking for my number? OMG! I can't believe this!

Clarissa and Mae teased us

Angel: Ah.... Ummm... Sure

I gave him my number

Jaden: Okay thanks baby I'll call you later
Clarissa: Baby!!?!!
Mae: Gosh y'all making me blush eeeekkk
Angel: Ah... Hehehe.... Sure

A lot of days passed me and Jaden kinda became close

(At school)
Clarissa: Angel.... Angel... Angel!!
Angel: What the.... What happened?
Mae: Hey what happened to you?
Clarissa: Do you know it already?
Angel: Huh? What?
Clarissa: Jaden has a girlfriend! Its Faith!
Angel: Faith? Our old friend?
Clarissa: Yup Faith
(Mae looked at me)
Mae: Angel are you okay?
Angel: Huh?.... Ah of course Im okay... Hehe.... I'll just study at my seat bye.
(I said ang left them, I told them Im fine but I know that they know that Im not fine)

End of chapter 3

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