Chapter 3 - The house

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TWs: Swearing, ED, anxiety, if I forgot any pls let me know

Tommy POV:

We arrived at the house, it looked huge, two stories tall must have like 20 rooms. It appeared a lot nicer than any of the houses I've stayed in before.

We all walked into a huge living room that was sleek and modern yet somehow very homey.

"Hey Tech, Wil, why don't you give Tommy a tour and I'll start dinner in a little while sound good?" Phil said after a minute.

I gagged a little at the mention of food but I don't think anyone noticed.

"Sure." Techno and Wil said in unison and proceeded to take me on a tour.

First floor:

Second floor:

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Second floor:

Second floor:

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(P.S. SORRY about my terrible handwriting)

The last stop was my room. Techno opened the door. The room was huge it had 3 white walls with a red accent wall that had the bed on it, opposite the bed was a dresser and if you looked straight in there was a desk with a gaming setup. Next to the bed was a bedside table with a clock on it, there was also a clock with a light up ring as the outside of it hanging on the wall. Plus there was a huge red fuzzy rug in the middle of the floor. It was amazing

I walked in, "Are you sure this is my room?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Techno stated in his classic monotone voice.

"Its so big and nice." I said.

"Well it's yours. I'll go ahead and let you unpack." Techno said then left, Wilbur following shortly after.

I see no reason in unpacking much considering I'll be sent back in a week, however I did unpack my toiletries.

I grabbed out my sketchbook and pencil and went to sit on the bed.

"Holy shit this is so amazing, it's soft and comfortable, nothing like any one's I've had before, normally it's just a old ragged blanket on some ply wood with a pillow that looks like someone went dumpster diving for it." I muttered under my breath.

"But this it has nice pillows new sheets and an actual mattress, do they think I'm the queen or something?" (Rest In Peace Lizzy you will be missed) Tommy thought to himself.

Despite getting distracted by the comfortable bed that seemed like it was 5x his size, he started drawing.

It was about an hour, based on the clock on the bedside table, before someone came in. It was Wilbur.

"Whatcha doin'?" Wilbur asked

"Nothing." I replied while quickly putting my sketchbook next to me.

I had no interest in him seeing my drawing. It was just a basic wolf after all.

"So, I thought we could get to know each other a little." Wilbur said after a minute of akward silence.

"Okay?" I said hesitantly, I didn't know what he wanted to know about me and I definitely was not about to spill my entire soul out to this guy.

We talked for a little bit, Wilbur being shocked I had never had Ice Cream before, was throughly explaining the 'magic and delicious taste of the sweet cold treat' I wasn't listening very much, I was off in my own head.

"When am I gonna get that beating for stuttering earlier?"
"How long will it be till they send me back?"
"I bet that Techno guy can pack a pun-"

My thoughts were interrupted as Phil yelled "Dinner," I flinched but luckily Wilbur didn't seem to notice.

"Great food, because a fat pig like me really needs more of that. Even the thought of food is making me almost want to gag." I keep it down and walk with Wilbur to the Kitchen, where Phil and Techno have already taken their places. Wilbur takes his seat and I take the only other vacant spot and stare at the plate of spaghetti in front of me.

The others start a conversation about some shit I'm not paying attention to, while I get lost in my own thoughts.

"Is there something wrong with the food Tommy?" Phil asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, no, nothings wrong, just not hungry." I said, scared out of my mind since everyone was looking at me.

"Okay," Phil said skeptically as he turned back to the conversation he was having with Wilbur.

Techno was giving me a look that said "I know you're lying" and it was freaking me out so much I started to slightly yet unnoticeably shake.

I excused myself, washed my dishes, Phil gave me a weird look when I did, then went back up to the room that I was currently staying in.

When I got back up there I started cleaning the already pristine room out of a nervous habit. Once I finished I  started to pace, doodle blobs, sparkles, disc's, continue my wolf from earlier pace even more clean once more, anything to keep my mind off of how bad I must've fucked up at dinner for not eating anything.

"Maybe they'll know, no how could they, maybe they'll think I don't like eating in front of people. I'm so gonna get the shit beaten out of me for wasting the food Phil worked hard to make, I bet they'll have Techno do it he could pack a punch."

During the entire time I was trying to keep my mind off of the thoughts running around in my head, my breath was quickening and Iw a s still shaking just a little more noticeable than at dinner.

"You should probably stop pacing, you might get dizzy." Techno said, scaring me half to death making me flinched so hard a fell and hit my head on tmy desk chair, knocking me out on the way down.


975 words, again sorry for not chapters for 2 weeks got a little bit of writers block and was busy with the holidays, thank you to anyone who was waiting for a new chapter for being patient with me.

Eat, drink, sleep, and stay safe 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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